Wednesday 22 December 2010

2010 - A year in review

2010 has been a very interesting year – However to put it into context, you have to also pull in 2009, which was less interesting and far more, well, pants.

The beginning of 2009 saw myself still dating Jeff, still working for my IT Company as a consultant, still working and living away from home and still very unhappy. The end of 2009 (October the 11th at approximately 8:00pm, not that anyone remembers these things) saw Jeff dumping me via phone as he didn’t think it would work anymore and both of us saying goodbye and trying to move on from our 3.5 years together.

Before anyone starts to think badly of him, Jeff did the right thing – I wasn’t a very nice person in 2009 and I certainly didn’t treat him very well. No, I didn’t cheat, nor did I hit him or abuse him – in fact, I was the total opposite, a very cold, emotionless shell of a person – partly due to my job making me so miserable but partly due to the fact that I think I’d started taking him for granted and not realising that it wasn’t just ‘me’ in a relationship, it was an ‘us’ and sadly Jeff didn’t get any love or emotional input from me in a very long time. With a partner like that, how can you blame him for wanting to leave?

Jeff tried desperately to support me for as long as he could and I know how hard it was for him to walk away - It's only when we started talking again, I was able to tell him that I understood entirely why he ended it, even why he dumped me over the phone (would you want to drive 3 hours, have a 10 minute conversation with someone and then drive another 3 hours back home?)

At the beginning of 2010 I realised that I was the only one who could change things.  I changed jobs, moved house, lost a lot of weight and tried to move on with my life. Jeff did a number of similar things as well as meeting and living with his new girlfriend for a few months before the relationship sadly ended. Despite a couple of attempts at the beginning of the year at reconciliation on my part, Jeff couldn’t see a way back and whilst I was suffering from stress with my old job and living over 180 miles away from Jeff for most of the week, I still had enough pride to realise that any begging or pleading to get back together was not the best plan and therefore didn’t contact him again. The last contact we had was on February 17th 2010.

I genuinely didn’t think I would ever hear from Jeff again and as the days turned to weeks and then to months, I stopped thinking about him so often and was able to remember a lot of the crazy-yet-fun things we did together, without welling up or getting a knot in my stomach.

The knot, however, reappeared when on the 22nd November 2010 I got an email from him entitled 'Things..'

I've rewritten the first line to this email about ten times. I'm now bored of deleting it and starting again, so I'm going to pretend I've written it and get on with the rest of the email......

I replied, he replied, I replied.. it was obvious on both sides that we still had feelings for each other and after a few days, we met each other for the first time in over a year.

Now we’re seeing how things go....

One of my (many) regrets from our relationship was that I never took many photographs of us, nor did we document precisely how many crazy, random and fun things we did (and we did a LOT) so, in an effort to make sure we never stop seeing each other again.... This blog has been created to document our time together and detail exactly all the weird stuff we actually do.


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