Tuesday 28 December 2010

The downside to Christmas holidays

I love having time off work, I guess most people do - You can have lie ins, do what you want, eat what you want and promise yourself that the diet starts next year, drink loads and spend time with the people you love.

Sadly Jeff and I are apart over Christmas and even when we were together before, this was the case. His parents and family live about a 6 hours drive away, so he left on Christmas eve to be with them and won't be back until the 2nd January. My parents and family, on the other hand - only live an hour away, therefore I can travel back and forth to see them over the Christmas period without having to spend all my time with them.

It seems quite cruel at the moment - having only got back in contact with Jeff, to be seperated at the moment. We email and we had a really lovely 2 hour chat tonight, however we won't be seeing each other for another few days and when you've not seen someone for over a year and then suddenly, out of the blue, start making contact with them again... it sucks Donkey balls to not be able to continue seeing each other.

I guess in the grand scheme of things, it's not a big issue - it just seems it at the moment as we can't be together. I can do 'perspective' and I can understand that considering some women have to say goodbye to their partners for months whilst they are in the army / work abroad etc, the Christmas period is absolutely nothing - I think it just feels like eternity at the moment as we enjoyed the last month so much, rediscovering each other and enjoying spending time together.

Both of us have had crappy things happen to us since we said goodbye - and what really hurts is that we can't hug or touch each other. I think, when we were on the phone tonight, both of us would have given anything to have 5 minutes with each other...

Still, only another few days and hopefully we will be back together. Until then, we shall email like crazy and enjoy the time with our family and friends as hopefully... we'll have the rest of our lives to spend time with each other.


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