Monday 3 January 2011

Squid and birdseed

So, after spending Christmas and New Year apart, we finally met again - the 2nd of January, after Jeff drove back from his parents. I drove down to his house to see him and all we did was practically cuddle for ages! We then went to the pub, had a chat about what we had been up to in our time apart and both pushed the boat out and had a mineral water (both of us are trying to lose weight and be more healthy).

Today we have been doing random things in a random way with an extra helping of randomness! As it's a bank holiday, a lot of things aren't open and sadly most National Trust and English Heritage sites are now closed until March, when it gets a bit warmer. Therefore we decided to go to the New Forest on a bit of a jaunt and see what we could find. We got up and went shopping - not overly exciting, however Jeff had been given some massive 'killer' squid as a Christmas present from his sister and he had decided to cook one with me - therefore we needed to get the ingredients necessary to marinade it, and have it with some roasted vegetables.

After the boring shop (we spent FAR more money than we intended to!) we had a spot of lunch and headed off to a nearby garden centre. Jeff has a really funky bird feeding 'pole' in his garden and sadly all the bird feeders were empty - we took the opportunity to buy loads more seed and fill them all up.

We popped the stuff in the back of the car and headed straight down to the New Forest - 'Lyndhurst', which we had been to before - before we had broken up. It was quite nice to revisit the place, even though it was far, far colder this time around! On the way down, we saw a sign for the 'Rufus Stone'. Neither of us knew what it was, so we kept it in mind and I Googled it on my phone - apparently it's supposedly the spot where King 'Rufus' William II was shot with an arrow in 1100AD. Hurrah! We both learnt some history today!

We went for a small drive and saw a lot of the wild ponies that were quite happily eating grass at the side of the road. We then parked in Lyndhurst and went for a quick wander. Sadly neither of us sampled the local hot chocolates as we're trying to be 'healthy'... but I managed to buy a few gifts for a friends birthday which is happening soon. After a wander, we got back in the car and tried to fid the Rufus Stone - before we did, however, we found a pub with THE coolest name, ever! 'The Happy Cheese'!!!! What a brilliant name for a pub. I think if either of us were millionaires, we would probably have bought the pub there and then :-)

After the happy finding of a pub with probably the coolest name in England, we managed to find the Rufus stone with the help of Jeff's Sat-Nav. It was nice to see, but I'm afraid it doesn't rank in the top ten of 'really interesting monuments' that we've seen in our time together. Still, at least now we know what it is, where it is and what it looks like, plus it gave us some more exercise.

Then - Back home! Jeff drove us back to his house and we prepared the squid. When I say 'We' prepared the squid - Jeff actually gutted, chopped and sliced the squid, I prepared the marinade. We then popped the squid rings in the marinade (cumin, lemon zest, coriander, olive oil and sea salt) for 2 hours and went to watch the rest of the film we didn't finish watching the night before ('Inception' - I wasn't overly fussed with it, to be honest) After an hour or so, we roasted the vegetables and then baked the squid and drizzled some honey on the vegetables - It was really nice!

Once again Jeff and I had managed to make a rather nice meal and that's another thing we always enjoyed doing together - cooking.

Sadly, I'm not writing this blog back at my house as I start work again tomorrow so am not seeing Jeff for a few days. This sucks majorly as currently, we're obviously going though the 'honeymoon period' and are doing such cool things again, it's great. Now I know (and I think Jeff knows) not to take each other for granted, I am hoping that we continue to do random and enjoyable things together for a very long time to come!


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