Tuesday 25 January 2011

Amsterdam - 3 days and counting

I can't believe we're nearly off to Amsterdam!

Jeff and I used to travel a lot when we were first together - sometimes abroad and a lot of short UK breaks and it was always good fun. When we first got back in contact (22nd November 2010) I suggested I book a weekend for us, sort everything out and it would be a total surprise. Jeff agreed and transferred  some cash to me (quite nice that he had that level of trust in me and didn't think I was going to spend it all on chocolate and never speak to him again!) and I booked our holiday.

I kept trying to put him off the scent and I think he thought we were going 'Up North' in the UK. Whilst I am awful at keeping secrets I did manage to keep it - well, that's until I texted my Uncle and Aunt, telling them I couldn't visit them as I was off to Amsterdam and then stupidly showed Jeff their reply - he could still read the bit about Amsterdam - Stupid, stupid me. Still - I think he was quite excited. He's never been to the Netherlands so it's completely new for him. I've been once - a couple of years ago for a weekend with a friend and whilst I had a lovely time, my friend got quite stroppy for some of it, so it wasn't the best holiday I have ever had.

The last time I saw Jeff was on Sunday for a few hours before he had to go to work. I caught him in his kitchen, chocolate coating random fruit as it happens! The chocolate covered apricots turned out so well, Jeff decided to try other things such as raisins and cranberries. Whilst I want to go as long as possible without arguing with him, there was a bit of an undercurrent when he refused to let me run off with the bowl of melty chocolate! (I know it was because Jeff is trying not to sabotage the healthy eating regime... but even so - melted chocolate, how can anyone resist?). We had a lovely few hours and in that time managed to fill up Jeff's bird feeders again (Oh my God, the amount of birds he currently has in the garden is brilliant! They're very greedy though...) We also had a chat about what to do in Amsterdam.

Well, we've booked the car parking in the airport and I've booked tickets to Ann Frank's house and the 'Heineken Experience'(I can't stand the stuff, but apparently the tour and the museum are quite interesting) and printed out all the information on our flights and hotels... I'm staying round at Jeff's house on Thursday night and then Friday morning we fly out to Amsterdam! It's only for a couple of nights, but it should be absolutely brilliant as we've not been away for so long together and the last time we did go away - whilst it was good, our relationship wasn't in a great place due to all the issues I've mentioned in previous blogs. So, second time lucky hopefully :-)

- Molly

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