Sunday 9 January 2011

Meatloaves and more bird seed in 4 hours

One of the annoying things about shift work is - that the days and nights can 'shift', therefore one week you're working nights at the weekend and a few weeks later you're working Monday to Thursday during the day time and actually have time off at the weekend! Sadly Jeff's working nights this week, therefore it's not really been possible to see him much - However, unlike the last time when we were a couple and he made ALL the effort to drive to where I was working (about 170 miles away from his house!) I am absolutely committed to making sure effort comes from both sides.
So, I popped down to Jeff's house at 2pm and let myself in (he gave me keys - I didn't need to break in!) and woke him up. We then had a brief chat and he got up and showered etc whilst I busied myself in the kitchen, making myself lunch and him - breakfast. I tried a new recipe today, spicy mini meatloaves - they actually turned out rather well, especially considering I mis-read the recipe and added the chilli sauce to the mixture, instead of drizzling it over the top, before putting it into the oven for 25 minutes. In order to continue our healthy eating regime I popped them on a bed of salad and didn't make them any bigger than they should have been. Success! They tasted really, really nice and Jeff had one left over to take to work tonight :-)

We had a lovely lunch - when I looked outside at Jeff's birdfeeder I couldn't believe how much seed the birds had eaten - He told me he only filled all the feeders up a few days ago. I popped out to the garage to make sure the birds didn't go hungry and then announced to Jeff we were now out of seed so suggested a quick trip to the garden centre to get some more. One of the programs I rather like on TV is 'Spring/Autumnwatch' on the BBC and I always recall one of the presenters (Can't remember which one) saying that if the birds get used to you feeding them, then you really shouldn't stop.

Jeff put me on his insurance a few days ago (which thankfully didn't cost very much) so I decided to bite the bullet and drive his car to the garden centre. As I'm writing this I think it's a fair assumption that we are still alive and no, I didn't crash! In FACT, it was much easier to drive than his previous car - a Passat. I've got a rather nippy Vauxhall and thankfully the bite points on both cars seem to be about the same. Obviously I had to adjust the car seat (I don't know if it's a man thing or just a 'Jeff' thing, but he has the seat so far back, he's almost horizontal!) and bring myself closer to the pedals as he's taller than me, but apart from that, it was great.
We decided we may as well buy in bulk - especially when the bird seed was 'Buy one, get one free'. However, as you only got offered this deal if you registered as a member of the garden centre, Jeff got a card and was asked to complete his details ASAP (I couldn't resist a 'middle aged' joke there... Member of a garden centre at our tender age? ;-)) However, we got 2 x 15Kg bags of bird seed for £16.99, so result!

We drove back home and then spent the next couple of hours chatting, hugging and well, no one needs to know all the details! Needless to say it was a very enjoyable 4 hours - sadly it wasn't longer but Jeff needed to go to work. We drove to his work in convoy as I live very close to where he works and then we went our separate ways. Currently Jeff is at work and I am at home, watching the appalling film that is 'Charlie's Angels' and wishing all of them would die.

Next week should be good as we're hopefully seeing each other quite a lot - I'm not sure we can have more fun than cooking and buying masses amount of seed for our feathered friends, but I'm sure we can try....


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