Saturday 15 January 2011

Friday night and everything's alright

You know sometimes, when you step out the door and it seems like the entire universe is against you? You find you've got a flat tyre, you are stuck in a massive traffic jam, you realise you've forgotten your wallet etc? It's as if you were never meant to go out your front door in the first place!

I am pretty sure other people feel like that every so often - I know I do, so it was a very nice change when last night, everything went right!

Jeff and I decided to go to a fish restaurant in Winchester so as he wasn't working, he picked me up after work and we headed to a Supermarket to buy food for the weekend (not exactly exciting, but necessary) We managed to nip round the isles in record time and didn't forget anything (not bad, considering we never wrote a list and had to remember everything).
The drive down to Winchester wasn't too bad considering it was it a Friday night - it was slightly weird as I hadn't actually been to Winchester since Jeff and I split up in October 2009 and we hadn't driven down there for a good, what? 6-10 months before that. We found a car park and drove in there at 18:02 - why is the time important? As after 18:00 you get free parking, hurrah! 

As the first available table was 20:15 we went for a wander and went to see Winchester Cathedral which looks beautiful in the night time. Nearby, there's this very odd column, with loads of lights - it has mobile numbers on the base and if you text one of the numbers, the column changes colour and you receive a text back! It's most odd, but it does work as Jeff managed to text it and all the lights turned to purple!

We went to a bar, had a nice drink and a chat - it's odd to think we've been back in contact less than 2 months as things do feel very 'comfortable'. That being said, I still keep talking about us splitting up - whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, I don't know, but I suppose when you split with someone there are sometimes a lot of unanswered questions and the only way you find things out, is to ask. That being said, I also think it's important not to dwell on the past and hopefully the reasons we broke up in the first place are no longer valid, so the chances of it happening again are much less.

We decided to take a chance and wander to the restaurant early, only to find out that they could accommodate us - Result! Our waiter was really attentive and the food was fabulous. We even managed to both eat healthily and really enjoyed the evening - so good driving, good parking, good meal, good service and definitely good company - it was a GREAT night out.

Tonight we're spending the night together and I can't wait. Jeff is currently still at work, so I'll be driving down to his house, letting myself in and cooking for us. Don't get me wrong, I'm most certainly NOT a 1950's type of housewife who prepares the dinner before her husband gets back from work, however I do love cooking and as it's the weekend and Jeff's on shift, surely it's a nice thing to do as it means he can relax and we can spend more time together, rather than spending time cooking when he gets back? Plus…who do you think will be doing the washing up? :-)

7 weeks 'together' (although we're not calling each other boyfriend / girlfriend yet... don't want to jinx anything!) and things are going exceptionally swimmingly.

- Molly

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