Thursday 20 January 2011

Never a dull Wednesday night

What do couples do in the evenings?

Jeff and I had an ‘interesting’ night last night – It certainly wasn’t boring, that’s for sure!

I popped over after work and pretty much straight away we decided to make a Shepherd’s pie so that Jeff had something to eat in the next few days (Oh, he can cook himself and he cooks really well... but I enjoy cooking and we seem to work well in the kitchen together – I don’t want to kill him :-) ) After the Shepherd’s pie we cracked straight on with our dinner – what were we having? Scallops! I think I had had scallops once before and couldn’t remember much about them as it was a long time ago. Jeff had mentioned a week or so ago that he had seen them on special offer in a supermarket (they’re quite expensive!) so we decided to find a recipe online and see what we could do.

Things got off to an interesting start when Jeff opened the bag of the 12 scallops and it was kinda stinky :-S Apparently you needed to wash them, so after getting over the weird texture, I washed all of them and popped them on a chopping board. We were cooking them with chorizo, shallots, sherry vinegar and grilled bacon.

What did they taste like? Hm... well, they tasted OK I guess, but I don’t think either of us were that fussed – I certainly wasn’t fussed a few hours later when I had to reacquaint myself with the toilet in a very intimate fashion. Scallops might be expensive and thus ‘posh’ in some worlds, but give me a nice Sea Bass or piece of cod any day over the weird, meaty little white things.  I think we did a good job making the plate look pretty but nope, I don’t think that’s a recipe we shall try again.

We then went to the supermarket to get some bits and bobs and then went for a drink – It was interesting what topic of conversation came up – Marriage, weddings etc. When we were first together, I think our relationship had become quite stale and I for one couldn’t really see a future with Jeff – perhaps due to my awful job, perhaps just because I was younger and not really thinking about such things or perhaps due to laziness and not wanting things to change. Either way, we now seem to be on the same page in terms of the future – Hell, we’re certainly not planning on getting hitched or popping sprogs out any time soon (Jeff couldn’t pop sprogs out at any time of course, due to the fact he’s a bloke) but it’s a nice feeling to know that the person you are seeing could be the one you spend the rest of your life with AND the fact that they want the same things as you.

We then headed back home and watched some more trashy TV. Last night I had recorded ‘Fat families’ on Jeff’s sky plus box so we watched that as well as some ‘Come dine with me’. Whilst Jeff doesn’t really watch much TV, he seemed to shout at it more than me, so all his protestations of not enjoying watching such crap on Sky doesn’t hold much water, really :-)

We’re next seeing each other on Sunday, so not too far away. It’s my birthday tomorrow so I’m looking forward to being totally spoilt by my friends and family and then seeing Jeff on Sunday – I think, considering less than 2 months ago I never thought I’d see Jeff again, I’ve already got quite a nice present – a possible future with him in it.

- Molly

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