Thursday 6 January 2011

Cooking and cruising

Sadly I am now back at work for the year and Jeff is off until tomorrow. One of the good things about working where I do, is that it's only about 3 miles from where Jeff lives, which means that unlike before (when I was working 200 or so miles away from where Jeff lived) it's MUCH easier to see each other in the evenings and this was demonstrated last night when I popped round to Jeff's house after work and we not only created another culinary delight, but also went 'cruising' in Jeff's car, where he lives to see what interesting things were around at night time.

What did we cook? Well, as I have said before, both Jeff and I are on a healthy eating kick. Therefore, it was something low fat from one of my celebrity recipe books - 'Harrisa lamb with rocket in pita bread'. Jeff kindly bought all the ingredients yesterday so when I popped round we had everything we needed to cook with. We marinated the lamb in lemon juice, fresh chopped mint, harrisa paste and sea salt and then fried it with a very little olive oil and hey presto! Jeff seemed to really like it and I thought it was as good as ever.

After dinner, I suggested we go for a bit of a drive and see what interesting things we could find. So off we went! Sadly the weather wasn't overly great so taking photographs was limited, however we did find a lovely church - 'St Michaels' and Jeff showed me where he used to live (He's been in the area for a long time!). It was weird driving to some of the places we went to, as we hadn't been to them for about 2-3 years (e.g. before we broke up) but I guess you have to put old memories out of your mind at some point, especially if they're ones that don't make you happy.

We got back to his house and watched complete trash on TV for a couple of hours before heading to bed, it was really nice just cuddling on the sofa watching mind numbingly awful 'freak show' documentaries (You know the type where the channel has tried to portray odd / weird people in a concerned way, but really all they want people to do is say 'Oh my God! Look at them!?) Whilst Jeff doesn't usually watch that kind of thing, by the end of it, he was also shouting at the TV in frustration, so I consider that a good thing :-)

As he's back to work tomorrow, we won't be seeing each other for a few days, but we've already decided on 'cool' stuff to do when we do next meet so we're both counting down the hours until we see each other again!


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