Wednesday 12 January 2011

Cooking marathon!

Hurrah! Half way through the working week already.

I don't know if it's just me, but when I'm at work or doing something I'm not overly keen on doing, time always seems to go more slowly. However when I'm doing 'fun stuff', time always seems to go much more quickly. I guess there really is something in the old 'Time flies when you're having fun'!

After work yesterday I popped over to see Jeff for a few hours. I was a bit knackered as my day at work had been quite long and stressful. As soon as I knocked on the door and walked into his house he let me know that he had been busy - making chocolate covered apricots! (A bit of background here - Whilst I am on a healthy eating plan, I am staying off all chocolate. However, I seem to be addicted to the dark chocolate covered apricots I have been sent in my 'Graze box' ( - an amazing thing I discovered last year which helped me stop snacking on crisps and lardy things). I mentioned to Jeff that I rather liked them but wasn't able to find them to buy, anywhere and was rather chuffed to think that he had made me some :-) and yes, they did taste really, really nice. I'm not overly great at not eating chocolate covered things if they are in my vicinity, so Jeff gave me about 10 in a bag and has kept the rest in his fridge - Good plan! If I don't have them, I can't eat all of them at once :-)

We had a nice chat and Jeff mentioned that he didn't really have anything in the fridge to eat for the next few days and as he's off shift until Saturday, healthy eating might be slightly hard. I suggested we do a quick dash to the supermarket and whip up a few things he could keep in his fridge and eat 'on the road', whilst he's seeing friends, family and generally not at home.

We managed to leave the house at 19:10 and were back, with food at 20:20, which is impressive considering the Supermarket is about 20 minutes drive away! We started dinner as we were both starving but also cooked a massive amount of bolognaise sauce AND some lamb flatbread ( one of the best recipes I have ever tried from the BBC Good Food website!

For our dinner we had 'Satay pork' which wasn't too bad, however I don't think I put enough chilli sauce into the peanut butter, so it wasn't as runny as I would have liked - as you can see by the photo, it had a kind of 'crust' on it. Nevertheless, it was certainly tasty and the pork chops Jeff had bought from the Farm shop earlier that day were bloody gorgeous. After dinner we even had time to watch some of the weird documentaries we had recorded last week on Jeff's Sky plus box - 'Sex Change' was particularly interesting :-)

I headed back slightly earlier than I said I would as I was absolutely knackered and had no desire to fall asleep at the wheel. As crap as it was having to leave Jeff after a few hours, it wasn't that bad, as we will be seeing each other on Friday night for a lovely meal out and to celebrate the end of my working week!

- Molly

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