Friday 29 April 2011

The Royal Wedding...

So the day finally arrives and everyone is talking about ‘Wills and Kate’ and all my female work colleagues seem obsessed with her wedding dress….. However, neither Jeff or I are particularly ‘in’ to the Royal Family and whilst I can’t say we wish them ill…. Neither of us really wanted to watch the wedding of the century, so we decided to go out for the day instead!

Thursday night saw us create ANOTHER new dish and try another one from the BBC Good Food magazine… ‘Fish and broccoli pie’, which didn’t turn out too badly at all. I don’t think it was as nice as the lamb kleftiko we made yesterday, but it only took an hour and was much more healthy – Hurrah! Apparently it’s healthier than normal fish pies as it doesn’t contain either salmon or butter. It kind of reminded me of a ‘Weight Watchers’ fish pie, however the sauce was a lot nicer in ours… and you actually knew which fish you were eating.

Friday morning we actually had a bit of a lie in and didn’t get up until after 8:00am – Jeff popped in the shower, whilst I sneakily made him an omelette out of all the things that were left in his fridge – pepper, onion, cheese and tomato – he seemed to like it and if he didn’t, he did a good job of hiding it as he finished the lot! I stuck to my yogurt, berries and honey. We left the house at about 09:30 and headed straight for ‘Studley Grange Butterfly world’ which took about 1.5 hours to drive to. The roads seemed pretty quiet – I guess everyone was at home, watching the Royal Wedding! Both Jeff and I had been to the place before, however not for a couple of years and it had really changed since then! There were now two butterfly houses and they now had otters, very beautiful, weird pheasants (Golden Pheasants) and other animals. I took my Canon 7D and as usual, Jeff was lovely and offered to hold my camera bag AND my handbag – There goes a man who is confident in his sexuality!

My 100mm f2.8 macro lens did a fantastic job – I hadn’t used it for absolutely ages and I really feel I took some better photographs than I ever have before. Ok, so they’re still not ‘amazing’, however – that’s what practice is for and considering I am very stressed at work at the moment, it’s been great to go out with Jeff to all these fun places and take photographs of animals and insects. ( )

We actually spent nearly 2 hours in the Butterfly world before heading back to Jeff’s house via the supermarket so we could get a disposable BBQ and some food for lunch. We also decided to stop at one of the usual farm shops we frequent so we could pick up some really nice meat to do on the BBQ. Healthy eating meant we didn’t buy too much!

We started the BBQ as soon as we got back and it tasted absolutely brilliantly. We used up the last of the onion and gherkin relish that we bought in Northumberland and even though we went to the website, it seems they don’t deliver which is a shame – that being said, it means we have another excuse to go back to Hexham soon!

After the BBQ we did actually watch some of the Royal Wedding highlights and to be fair to Jeff, I should point out that it was me who wanted to watch them, not him. Even though I really don’t care about the Royal family, I know that everyone is going to be talking about it for a long time to come, and I guess I don’t want to be left out or appear ignorant over something that’s taken the nation by storm! We didn’t watch too much though, and after that we decided to watch a documentary that we had recorded called ‘Monster lobster’ which was both funny but also quite interesting – I felt quite sorry for the lobsters that had lost their claws and legs. I had to leave a few hours after that as I was meeting a friend later, therefore I suggested we take one last car ride to another supermarket to buy some compost as we really needed to re-pot the peppers. We managed to buy compost and get out of the supermarket in quite a quick time and as soon as we got back, we set to work reporting things.

Jeff’s garden is looking amazing – everything is growing and it’s really nice to see that all the hard work we put into planting things and sowing seeds has paid off. After we had re-potted the peppers, Jeff suggested we also re-pot the radishes which have needed to be re-potted for ages. Unfortunately, some of the radishes had been eaten by something – but we did have quite a few healthy ones left, so we stuck them in bigger pots and are hoping they will be ready to eat quite soon!

- Molly

Thursday 28 April 2011

'Living' together....

I have to admit, usually it’s quite easy to update the Blog as / when Jeff and I get together and do fun stuff... however at the moment it’s a total nightmare as I’m really, really busy at work! That being said, I find I have a little spare time, so thought I would detail our fun cooking adventures!

This week I’ve basically been ‘living’ with Jeff and it’s been really nice – I’d like to think we would be able to live together at some point, even if it’s not directly in the future (I have a cat and he’s quite evil – He’d destroy Jeff’s house!) When we were together last time, Jeff wasn’t overly houseproud and I had sold my house and was living in a shared house – this meant neither of us could really have each other round, which meant that Jeff and I couldn’t really just ‘chill’.

As soon as Easter was over, I suggested we go back to healthy eating – Jeff is very laid back and therefore very happy to go along with whatever I suggest and whilst I would have LOVED to have suggested we go back to our ‘old ways’, which was basically eating in restaurants every day and cooking very unhealthy things – I really don’t want to be fat again and I know Jeff is keen to continue his weight loss as we are both 30 next year.

So, we did a Tesco’s delivery order before we went to Northumberland and planned out the meals we were going to cook. Tuesday night was ‘Smoked haddock fishcakes, mustard spinach and a poached egg’, which was a recipe I got from my BBC Good food magazine. We were absolutely starving by the time the Tesco’s delivery person turned up at 8:30pm, so set to work straight away and boiled the fish, the potatoes and flaked the fish into a big bowl. The tricky part was dipping the fishcakes in egg, before putting on the breadcrumbs as we didn’t chill them like we were supposed to (too hungry and to be honest, I forgot!) however, they turned out really well indeed and rather than frying them in oil – we baked them, so they were more healthy!

Wednesday we made lamb kleftiko with lemon sweet potatoes – we made this recipe more healthy by not roasting the potatoes and using sweet potatoes, rather than normal potatoes as they are lower in GI. We also didn’t sprinkle on much feta cheese, even though the recipe (another one from the BBC Good Food Magazine) suggested sprinkling 50 grams of feta cheese on each plate! This was absolutely excellent and certainly something that Jeff and I would do again – the flavours were gorgeous and I have to admit to being quite chuffed that we used my Le Cruset casserole pot – it’s coming in very handy these days!

As pay day was just around the corner yesterday, I actually bought Jeff and myself some American measuring cups – that way we could use the same measurements that Ina Garten uses in her recipes and I thought that would be easier than working out what ‘half a cup’ was every time we tried to cook something that she made. I also bought an egg poaching pan, as whilst the eggs we did (we just stuck them straight in a pan of boiling water) turned out quite well, I think I’d prefer a little bit more control on the poaching process, and £17 for a poaching pan wasn’t that bad value!

Tonight Jeff and I are going to do another very healthy recipe – fish and broccoli pie, it’s supposed to be under 350 calories per serving and very low in fat. It looks nice and we have all the ingredients so we’re good to go!

- Molly

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Our holiday in Northumberland

Well, we’re back from Northumberland and we had an AMAZING time! It started off well when I managed to get out of work by 2pm, so Jeff and I were on the road, heading to Northumberland by 2:20pm. Unfortunately, the drive didn’t go very well and we were stuck in a LOT of traffic for a LOT of the time! It seemed to mostly be due to the sheer weight of traffic – however we did pass an overturned caravan on the way. All in all, it took over 7 hours to get to Northumberland and that wasn’t even to Jeff’s parents house – that was just to a curry restaurant, where we had something to eat at 9:00pm. After sticking loads of curried goodness in our gobs, we drove to Jeff’s parents, gave them the lemon drizzle cake and the Apple tarts we had baked for them the day previously (his Mother seemed to really like both) before getting the keys to the house and driving over to Beadnell. It took about 30 minutes to get there and it was incredibly foggy. Jeff did all the driving from his parents house to their holiday house and I can’t say I envied him driving down country roads at midnight in the fog!

We were both incredibly knackered the first night so had a shower and went to bed!

The next day we got up and the first task was ‘Swan feeding’ As Jeff’s parents house overlooks the end of the river, two swans which his Mother had named ‘Harry and Sally’ lived very close by and were used to being fed by Jeff’s Mum and other residents. Jeff’s Mum had left us some bread in case we wanted toast but as neither of us were toast inclined, we fed Harry and Sally every morning we were there and thought the noises they made were quite funny.... A kind of grunting crossed with murmuring. I’d like to think they were saying ‘Thanks for the breakfast’, but I imagine it was something like ‘What? That’s it? We want more bread!’

On our first day we drove into Alnwick and went for breakfast in ‘Copperfields’ a local cafe for local people – what was nice (and different to down South) was that when we went in, everyone said ‘Good morning’- It’s very rare you’d ever get that near London! We both decided we’d start the holiday with a ‘bang’ and both opted for a full English breakfast which was absolutely gorgeous, albeit very filling. After a lot of food and tea, we headed to the Metro centre in Newcastle to do some shopping and to meet Jeff’s sister.

Despite the Metro centre being absolutely huge, we parked quite easily and had a bit of a wander whilst waiting for Jeff’s sister to turn up. I bought some jewellery and Jeff managed to buy some new shirts and trousers for his new job which starts today! We met Jeff’s sister and wandered around a bit more, however I felt quite self conscious with his sister – not because she’s a horrible person, she’s not, she’s lovely and very friendly, however I didn’t really want to inconvenience anyone, so didn’t really want to drag her around shops she may not have any interest in. After a bit of a chat, she left as she didn’t fancy going to Yo! Sushi with us. As always, Yo! Sushi was fantastic and we managed to happily munch our way through loads of plates and left feeling very full indeed.

After leaving the Metro centre, Jeff and I headed for the biggest Tescos in the country and bought £70 worth of ingredients so we could cook for his parents and his sister. I have to admit to feeling a bit stressed at this point as whilst it was my suggestion that we cook for them, running about a supermarket for 40 plus minutes was not overly fun, however I managed to ‘suck it up’ and we headed off to his parents to begin the marathon cooking session!

The meal turned out incredibly well. For starters we did the ‘lemon and cumin lamb kofta’s and served them with half a pita bread and some salad. For the main course, we did meat paella and for pudding we did another ‘Juicy Lucy’ with proper Cornish custard. It seemed to go down really well and everyone finished everything – Jeff’s Dad was especially complimentary and we found out afterwards that he had eaten the remainder of the custard that night around midnight!

Jeff and I managed to get back to the house by about 10:00pm and had a cuddle – again, we were utterly knackered.

The next day we were up early again to go to Seahouses. We wanted to see what times the Farne Islands boat tours operated so that we could go to see the seals but also stop off on the National Trust island to see the puffins. Apparently their breeding season has literally just started so whilst we wouldn’t be seeing loads of puffins, we were really hoping we would see at least one or two. We asked a nice bloke at one of the boat boxes what time the trips were and he said 10:30 and 1:00pm – I gave him my mobile number as he said he needed to check with his boss regarding the 1:00pm one and asked that he phone me when he had confirmed the time. We would have gone out on the 10:30 boat trip, however we wanted to drive to Hexham, about 65 miles away as we wanted to go to the farmers market they were having.

Jeff drove to Hexham and it took just over an hour, unfortunately whilst driving to Hexham, the guy in the boat box phoned me and said that he had got it wrong and that the only boat out to the Farne islands was the one at 10:30am, gutted! We decided to continue going to Hexham, hoping that another boat operator had tours to the Farne islands in the afternoon.

We parked quite easily in one of Hexham’s main car parks (close to a very nice Waitrose which we went into after purchasing random things at the farmers market) and wandered into Hexham high street. I have to say, it was absolutely beautiful and whilst I hate it when Americans say the word, it was certainly ‘quaint’. Hexham was also having an Easter fare in one of their parks so we walked around that and observed ‘Welly throwing’ as well as leather crafting, listened to people singing and saw 2 alpaca’s in a small pen (as the stall was selling things made by alpaca wool). The sun was shining and it was an absolutely lovely day – we went into Hexham Abbey which was really nice and the architecture was stunning. Even though Jeff had lived in Northumberland for all his childhood and had visited Hexham before, he hadn’t been in the Abbey, so it was nice to be able to do things with him that he hadn’t done before as I was slightly concerned he would get bored doing the same things again!

We decided we would have a BBQ that night, so got a lot of really yummy and nice things at the farmers market, including a massive Lincolnshire sausage, some burgers, some smoked cheese and some gherkin and onion relish which was absolutely gorgeous! We also bought a pork pie and a pasty for lunch and had half each. After buying lots of ‘stuff’ we headed back via Waitrose to get a disposable BBQ and whilst in there, we found a REALLY funny wine called ‘Chat au Oeuff’ which is obviously ‘Cat on egg’, or maybe ‘Cat on AN egg’ I’m not entirely sure and I don’t think Jeff is either – however, either way it was such a funny name we decided to buy it and drink it that night :-)

After munching our way through the pork pie and pasty in the car, we drove back to Seahouses and thankfully managed to find a parking space – we were very lucky as Jeff managed to reverse into a very small one, which was the last one in the overflow car park! We headed straight down to the boat boxes and asked a lady if there was a trip after 1:00pm (as by this time, it was 1:10pm so we assumed the 1:00pm trip had gone) She said ‘You’re just in time for the next trip’ which was excellent news! We only had to wait a few minutes until the boat arrived so we hopped straight on and were surprised to find only 7-8 other people on the boat as we thought it would be packed due to the weather.

The trip was fantastic, we saw loads of different types of birds and it wasn’t long before we saw some puffins floating in the water. This was brilliant as until then, neither Jeff nor I knew whether or not we would be able to see any. I had my Canon 7D with 70-300mm lens and Jeff had my Canon IXUS 100 so we both took some photographs of the puffins, as well as the other birds on the rocks. We also saw a lot of grey seals and were able to get really close to them – it was absolutely brilliant and I am sure I’ve never taken such close shots before. After an hour or so we landed on the Inner Farne island – free to National Trust members (lucky Jeff) however I had to pay which was fine and got me thinking about joining the National Trust again, especially if we are doing the ‘National Trust challenge’ this year!

Almost immediately we saw some flying puffins and headed down to the rocks, where we also saw a lot of nesting gulls and shags. They were so close to the barrier you could easily reach over and touch them, but thankfully no one actually did and as they’re on an island which you have to pay to travel to, and pay to visit, I imagine the amount of yobs that come there and upset the birds is virtually nil. We had an hour on the island before we headed back, so we wandered around a lot, trying to take as many photographs of puffins as we could. Unfortunately most of the puffin holes were still empty and the ones that were taken were quite far away from the barriers which we were not allowed to cross. Even so, we were able to take some nice photographs and I have to be honest and say I was very, very chuffed that I had seen ‘wild’ puffins as I never had before.

We headed back on the boat and shared some fish and chips – greasy naughtiness! Jeff and I were both glad we shared one as the fish was absolutely huge! We then headed back to seahouses and watched loads of TV and just chilled before setting up the BBQ, which Jeff popped on a ‘proper’ BBQ stand that he found under the house. It literally took about 15 minutes  for everything to be properly cooked and even less time for it all to be eaten as it was gorgeous! We ate both the burgers and the sausage and had them with some salad we also bought at the Hexham farmers market and the wonderful relish (there wasn’t much left afterwards).

We did get rather drunk that night as Jeff’s mother had very kindly left us a bottle of wine in the fridge before we arrived, so we drunk that as well as the ‘Cat on egg’ wine, which wasn’t too bad but was quite weak and I’m not entirely sure we would have it again! Combine fantastic food and nice wine with random crap on TV and you have a very chilled and relaxed night.

The next day was our last day in Northumberland so Jeff and I got up early and went to a local shop to buy a net and a bucket. We had noticed that there were little tiny fish in the lake by the house and whenever we fed the Swans, these small fish would steal some of the bread. I suggested we try and catch one of them and see what they were, before returning them to the lake. Luckily we managed to buy both a net and a bucket for £1 each! After buying the ‘equipment’ we left it in the car for a little while and headed down to the beach, where we successfully managed to get a couple of limpets off the rocks. Whilst this might sound like a rather stupid endeavour, it was due to me, a couple of years ago, trying to prise them off rocks with my bare fingers, not realising how bloody tightly they hold onto things! Therefore when Jeff and I got back into contact, Jeff suggested I try again, but this time, with a screwdriver.

I did manage to get one off a rock – so did Jeff, however we don’t think either were hurt and made sure they went straight back into a rock pool so that they could stick back onto something.

Once back at the house (which was a 60 second drive, maximum!) Jeff attached the net onto a broom handle with some duct tape so it was long enough to dip into the water and we tried our wonderful fish catching plan... which actually worked! I think both of us were quite shocked and even Jeff admitted that he didn’t think we would catch anything. However, after just a few minutes we had 5 small fish in the bucket! We took a photograph of them and then put them gently back into the water and watched them swim off.

As it was getting round to 11:00am we knew that the Wildlife Sanctuary in Ulgham ( would be open even though it was Easter, so we drove down to there and had a mooch around. It only cost £5 to get and whilst it wasn’t the most fancy, or the biggest wildlife centre we had been to, it was blatantly obvious from the second we stepped foot in there, that the animals were incredibly well cared for and loved – as each one had a ‘story’ which you could read about. There was a hawk with one leg, a grey squirrel which would have got destroyed if it had been given to any other centre (as they are classed as vermin) as well as a young vixen, old goats and horses and a peacock. There was also a very pretty bird in the same enclosure as the peacock, which we had no idea what it was – similar marking as a peacock, but it looked different as it didn’t have any tail feathers.

After we fed the horses and the goats some carrots we had bought at the shop, we headed over to Keilder water and forest park. The sun was shining and it was absolutely beautiful day – we hadn’t decided on doing anything in particular, however as soon as I saw a sign for ‘Bird of prey centre’, I suggested we stop and park and go to look at the birds and Jeff was happy to agree. Parking wasn’t too much of an issue and the bird of prey centre was brilliant. There were loads of flying displays and we caught the end of one display and sat through the next one completely. It was obvious the birds were incredibly well cared for and that the staff loved their jobs – as I love nature photography I was very pleased when I got back home and looked through my photographs as I think I managed to take a few nice ones. One of the nice things about Jeff is that he always offered to carry my photography bag, so I would be on the ground or bent over into funny positions whilst Jeff would carry my kit.

Once we had seen the second display (which involved 2 pelicans wandering around amongst the crowd!) we drove around a bit more until we reached Keilder castle – whilst not the most impressive castle in the world, it was in a very serene place. Jeff and I had a wonderful scone with jam and clotted cream and just sat down on one of the benches outside and chatted – an absolutely brilliant end to our holiday. The rest of the day was spent at his parents’ house, where his mother kindly cooked us a roast dinner and TWO puddings (amaretto trifle which was LUSH!) and a lovely apple sponge pudding. We went to bed absolutely knackered and I think both of us were a bit sad to think that we would have to drive home the next day.

The next morning I was up before Jeff and started tidying his parent’s house so that they wouldn’t have to do anything – after all, it was very kind of them to let us stay there so the last thing we wanted to do was leave it in a mess! After we had breakfast (which consisted of a pear – as we’re now back on the healthy eating BIG TIME!) we headed off to his parents house to give the keys back and started on our long journey down South. Thankfully, the traffic was a lot better and it only took about 5.5 hours to drive back to Jeff’s house.

There were very few ‘bad’ times in our holiday, however one of them was probably on the second day when Jeff realised he had been bitten by loads of midges! His poor arm had loads of bites over them and even now you can see them, despite them fading – I was quite shocked as to how many he had!

Despite my worry about the tomato plants and all the other plants dying outside due to the lack of rain – they were all looking incredibly well and even our tulips have started flowering!!! I headed back home for a few hours to do some washing and sort things out before heading back to Jeff’s and cooking with him – lemon cod with roasted broccoli and vegetables, yummy!

Northumberland was absolutely brilliant and I can’t wait to spend more time with Jeff in the county.

- Molly

Wednesday 20 April 2011

The great Easter chick hunt!

I can’t believe we go to Northumberland tomorrow! Both of us are really, really excited!

I left Jeff’s house about an hour ago, hunting for the lost Easter chicks. Wondering what I am talking about? Well… read on!

Firstly though – in other news, I passed my ITIL Foundation exam. I got the results about lunch time and considering this was the 2nd time I undertook it, I am very glad I managed to pass, especially considering I was still slightly suffering from jet lag after coming back from Las Vegas.

I left work early as I was totally knackered (my boss wasn’t in the office) and arrived at Jeff’s house at about 4:00pm. Jeff is currently making my Easter egg and therefore wouldn’t allow me in the kitchen – I still have no idea what he has done or what he has made.. he said I will have to wait until it is finished and anyone who knows me will attest to the fact that I am incredibly impatient and also very nosey! However, in this instance I wasn’t bothered as it meant I had time to hide the 17 Easter Chicks that I had bought from a supermarket earlier on in the week around Jeff’s house. I had also printed out a nice note saying ‘It’s now time for Jeff’s Easter Chick hunt – 18 little chicks have lost their way and need you to find them, the more chicks you find, the better your reward will be’… I gave this note to Jeff as I left the house so right at this moment he is hunting around his house, trying to find all the chicks!

Once Jeff had finished in the kitchen, we watered all the plants outside (they are growing so rapidly!) and then started on the French apple tart. After the last attempt, we made sure we didn’t turn the oven up as high as before and as we thought – the result was far, far better – no burnt bits at all! We had already decided to make this for Jeff’s parents and sister so it’s currently in a box, at Jeff’s house, ready to take to Northumberland tomorrow.

We also decided that we were going to make lemon drizzle cake – this was using the same recipe as we had used a few weeks ago, from the BBC good food website. Jeff suggested that once we had baked the cake, we go to ‘Hobbycraft’ to try and find some really nice cake decorations. I didn’t think there would be anything suitable, however Jeff proved me wrong by going on their website and low and behold – lots and lots of flowers and other things that we could put on the cake! As they were open until 8:00pm we headed over there quickly and managed to buy some really nice edible flowers.

Once we were back, Jeff and I made dinner – we decided to do something quite quick and easy, so we decided on steak with a couple of vegetables. However, these were no ordinary vegetables, oh no! These were vegetables that had been cooked Ina Garten style – e.g. we followed another 2 recipes out of her book ‘Back to basics’ which is slowly becoming my bible! We did ‘parmesan roasted broccoli with pine nuts’ and sweet potato wedges with brown sugar, salt and pepper – both turned out incredibly well, the flavours were just brilliant. Jeff rather enjoyed it too.

After dinner we turned our attention back to the cake, iced it, cut it up and began to stick the flowers on it – we managed to pop most of the pieces into a big tub and the ones we didn’t manage to get in, well… let’s just say they ended up in a good home (e.g. our stomachs!). I left Jeff quite early as I am utterly shattered. Unfortunately my work is incredibly busy and my sleep has been severely disrupted. Jeff is supportive as ever, however I am hoping I get a good nights sleep tonight as we have quite a long drive tomorrow! And on that note… I will say goodnight! Next time I blog, I shall update you on what Jeff actually got me for Easter, as well as tell you all the things we got up to in Northumberland :-)

- Molly

Monday 18 April 2011

French apple Tarts, Prosciutto roasted sea bass and ducklings!

Jeff and I had a really great Sunday together and I am SO EXCITED that we’re going to Northumberland in a few days. In 3 days and a few hours we’ll be on our way and hopefully it will bring back a lot of lovely memories and banish a few bad ones. The last time we were up north, Jeff’s Grandmother passed away and our relationship wasn’t that great – we weren’t very intimate with each other (my fault, not Jeff’s) and I don’t think I put in as much effort as I should have done....

.. However, argh, yes! Sunday – Well, Jeff has now finished at his company... his last set of shifts is finished and he seemed very chuffed and impressed that he was given loads of presents, including loads of alcohol and a massive card which was totally full of signatures. I popped down to see Jeff at 12:30 and after Jeff had finished his shower we drove to Andover as that’s where the Hampshire Farmers market was. I have to say – not overly impressed! It was really small compared to the Winchester one, however I guess you don’t know these things unless you go to them, so I think in future Jeff and I will be staying in Winchester. We did, however, managed to purchase a very nice Sea Bass for £10 which was great as that’s what we had decided we were cooking that night – Ina Garten’s ‘Prosciutto roasted sea bass with autumn vegetables'.

To get all the rest of the ingredients we went to Waitrose in Andover as we passed it as we were going back to the car – we managed to get everything, including a couple of rather nice tartlets for lunch, which we ate when we got back to Jeff’s house.

Once back, we ate lunch and then watched some more ‘Barefoot Contessa’ as we had 11 episodes saved on Jeff’s Sky Plus – as you can tell by now, we (and by that, I mean ‘I’) are rather obsessed with Ina and her recipes and I am looking to buy all her other cookery books when I get paid next week!

After we had ‘Chillaxed’ for a bit, we decided we had better re-pot the tomato plants, which is something we had been putting off for a few days. They have been growing at an alarming rate and it wouldn’t be long before they were too big for their pot. Thankfully, Jeff had already got enough compost and some pots to do this, so we didn’t need to go to a garden center to get anything else. It didn’t take very long and with Jeff drilling holes into the pots and me pulling the plants apart, we managed to put the tomato plants into their new home and they look like they’re going to be very happy there!

Jeff seemed to be upset at the thought of throwing the other tomato plants away, so decided he would dig some mud up in the garden, and put all the surplus plants in there – only problem was, the ground was really hard, which led to Jeff’s gardening fork having an unfortunate accident – whoops! Jeff still persevered though, and whilst I haven’t seen them, I have been told by a reliable source that all the other tomato plants are now in the garden and should be OK :-)

Jeff and I then decided we would make another culinary delight – Ina Garten’s – ‘French Apple tart’. It looked easy to make, even easier than normal as we bought frozen puff pastry so we didn’t have to make it ourselves. The hardest part of the whole thing was actually peeling and cutting up so many apples, but in the grand scheme of things, even that wasn’t very hard. I have to say, before we put it in the oven we were very pleased with ourselves as it looked EXACTLY like the photograph, hurrah! It had to be in the oven for about an hour, in which time Jeff was feeling very tired (due to the fact he had got up at midday after only 4 or so hours of sleep) so he popped upstairs for a nap and I stayed downstairs to get the tart out.

The result wasn’t too bad, however we think we had the oven up too high – Ina said 205 degrees C, however as Jeff has a fan assisted oven, we hadn’t taken that into account – damn! I used rum and apricot jam to gloss it, as suggested by the recipe and waited for Jeff to wake up before trying it. It tasted absolutely gorgeous, I mean, really, really amazing! We thought they would taste ‘OK’, but they were really moist, there wasn’t too much pastry (I’d certainly recommend you buy the ready-rolled stuff) and we were really impressed – so impressed that we are going to make them again on Wednesday and take them to Northumberland for Jeff’s parents.

We watched some more Barefoot Contessa episodes and then I started getting a bit restless so Jeff suggested we go to a pub. I thought this was a fantastic idea so agreed, and suggested we get some bread to feed the ducks – thankfully Jeff knew a pub besides a river, so we combined both activities. After driving to the pub, we decided to feed the ducks first, in case it got dark quickly and it didn’t take us too long to find some – and some gorgeous ducklings! The ducklings moved incredibly fast and it was really cute to watch them ‘run’ in the water, after the bread (at this point I would like to state that we fed them with BROWN bread, as apparently white bread is bad for them?). We even had two ducks get out of the water and follow us along the path – It was as though Jeff was the ‘pied piper’ and was throwing breadcrumbs behind him so that the ducks would continue waddling after us.

It wasn’t a long walk as the path led to a main road and we couldn’t continue walking alongside the river, however it was long enough to enjoy it and we headed back to the pub where Jeff got a ‘Stronginthearmn’ and I got a pint of Scrumpy. We then sat outside, by the river and chatted, which was really nice.

I certainly felt tipsy when going back home, however I don’t think Jeff did. After getting in we decided to cook as it was already 8:00PM and so set about cutting up the vegetables and began preparing the fish. Now this was interesting as neither of us had gutted a fish before and had NO idea how to do it – What to do? Youtube it! You’d be amazed what you can actually find on Youtube and it literally took two seconds to type in ‘How to gut a Sea Bass’ to find a really comprehensive video on what to do. Cut off fins – right, slit it along the stomach – right, cut by the gills – Ok.... I decided in my half-inebriated state, that I wanted to do this, after all, if I’m eating the fish then I guess it’s a good idea to actually know how to prepare it?

It certainly wasn’t an overly pleasant thing to do, however I am very glad I did it – I certainly learned something yesterday, that’s for sure! We both agreed that in future, we would just get fillets, easier and far, far less messy! We wrapped the fish in the prosciutto after rubbing it with oil, salt and pepper and popped it in the oven. We then made the rosemary and lemon sauce which would have turned out well, had I not added lemon juice to the very hot butter – the ENTIRE thing exploded on the hob – Whoops.... This is why I find it very hard to consider myself even remotely intelligent as I had no idea that that would happen and it is apparently a very basic cooking concept – never add cold things to very hot things. Ahh well, least neither of us died or got burnt (badly).

The meal actually turned out really, really well and Jeff and I are certainly going to try it again. We seem to be doing very well on cooking and I know that when we go to Northumberland we are planning on cooking a lot of other things....

... 3 days and counting, can’t wait!

- Molly

Friday 15 April 2011

Looking forward to another fun weekend

Jeff and I had a really fun night last night – In fact, it was also a rather fun afternoon as I had to retake my ITIL exam, which meant that I was free from 2:30pm and whilst I suppose I *could* have gone back to work, no one expected me in the office, so I decided I would take advantage of that fact and go and spend some time with Jeff. Jeff is currently working his last ever set of night shifts, he has tonight (Friday) and tomorrow.. and then that’s it! He becomes a normal nine-to-fiver.

I think my exam went better than it did last time, so hopefully I will be able to update the Blog in about a week with the news that I passed, fingers crossed, anyway. I saw Jeff and we decided we would go and get some lunch as I was starving. We also decided to get the ingredients for ‘Parkers Beef Stew’ One of the Ina Garten recipes from her book, ‘Back to basics’. We settled for the Morrison’s supermarket for once, as they do really nice salads and before long, we were heading back to Jeff’s house, not only with two salads (complete with crunchy bacon bits) but also with 2 more bags of compost, some more seeds and all the necessary ingredients for the stew.

After getting back we watched a couple of ‘Barefoot Contessa’ shows – due to me being in Las Vegas last week, we have 11 episodes still to watch, so we’re trying to get through them as quickly as possible. We munched our salads and for once, I only managed to spill food on myself once – which is quite good going I thought. After lunch, Jeff and I potted all the new seeds – It should be quite fun seeing massive sunflowers flowering, as well as eating our organic lettuces and tomatoes. The tomatoes inside are doing REALLY well and Jeff’s cherry tree is flowering! In fact, everything is doing rather well and I imagine we’ll be seeing a lot of growth in the next few weeks due to the weather getting warmer.

Once we had done all the gardening, Jeff and I watched some more trashy TV including an episode of ‘Embarrassing bodies’ (I don’t think it’s possible for Dr Christian’s shirts to get any more garish – thankfully he’s got a big enough personality to pull them off without looking like a Pratt). We then decided we needed to start cooking as we knew the stew had to be in the oven for about 2 hours.

It took us about an hour to prep everything and stick the stew in the oven. This including the marinating of the beef in the red wine, sticking the beef in flour and then frying it in portions, before putting it into the ‘Dutch Oven’ (Casserole dish, to us English peeps) and into the actual oven. Jeff and I had also bought some wine when we were in the Supermarket – even though Jeff was working that night, he had a few hours off at the beginning of his shift so he didn’t need to start work until midnight. Due to that, Jeff had a glass of wine, but I had more than him as I wasn’t working until the following day. Whilst it was a Rose – it was pretty strong and quite quickly I was feeling the affects of it.

We realised we had forgotten peas for the stew, so I suggested we go and get them, and some bread to eat with the Stew. We set out for a much closer Supermarket and ended up buying doughnuts as well – This is totally my fault as when I get even slightly tipsy, I end up with the munchies – Jeff and I split both doughnuts in half so we got some of the chocolate one and some of the caramel one. Jeff preferred the caramel, I preferred the other one :-)

Even though we had basically had our pudding before our main course, when we did get round to eating the stew it was well worth the wait. It was absolutely gorgeous! We had bought ‘Sour dough bread’ to eat with the stew and it worked really, really well. Both of us were incredibly full afterwards and there was still loads and loads of stew left. So much stew that Jeff took some to work with him last night and we managed to fill a massive plastic container 2/3rds of the way, full.

It was a lovely night and as with all lovely things, they are over too quickly. Jeff said goodnight to me and I snuggled up in his bed, whilst he went to work. I didn’t see him this morning because although he should have been back before I went to work, he helped a work colleague get home as his work colleague had a flat battery. That’s the nice kind of person Jeff is, so I am sure I can wait for a cuddle until Sunday!

On Sunday, I think we’re going to a different farmers market and doing another Ina Garten recipe – another one from her ‘Back to Basics’ book and this time it’s going to involve fish!  I think we’re both excited, knowing that we’re going to Northumberland within a week… I know I am!

- Molly

Sunday 10 April 2011

Back from holiday

I have just got back from seeing Jeff for the first time in over a week and we had SUCH a good weekend.

I got back from Las Vegas on Friday, having had a wonderful time. I stayed at the Bellagio hotel (amazing room, amazing staff and amazing hotel) and saw two of my very good friends get married in the little white Chapel. During the time I was out there, we did loads of things – the Titanic exhibition in the Luxor, Shark reef in Mandalay Bay… went up the Eiffel Tower in Paris and saw Las Vegas by night – it was an amazing holiday, however as pathetic as it sounds, I did miss Jeff.

As I think I said before – When Jeff and I split up, I went to Las Vegas 3 weeks afterwards as it had been arranged for over a year. Being thousands of miles away, newly single in Las Vegas wasn’t overly great, especially as every gift shop I went into, I was thinking ‘Jeff would like that’ or, ‘I wish I was doing this activity with Jeff’. I never thought we would get back in contact, therefore when we did in November, it was quite ironic that I had already booked a trip back out to Las Vegas to see more friends get married. The good thing this time was, we didn’t stop being in contact 3 weeks before I flew out!

I took my netbook with me and one of the good things about the Bellagio is, free Wi-Fi! Therefore I was able to email Jeff and send him some photographs to show him all the things I had been up to.

I got back on Friday, however couldn’t see him Friday night as he was having his works leaving ‘do’, and whilst he did invite me, I didn’t think it was a good idea to go as I didn’t know any of his work colleagues, I had major jetlag and to be honest, I didn’t want Jeff to feel he had to look after me all night long – he wanted to get rather drunk and enjoy himself and I knew I would want to go to bed very early and sleep off the jet lag!

So, I saw Jeff on Saturday at 2:00pm and it was so nice to see him again! We had a big cuddle, he made me a cup of tea and we got to the presents! I had got Jeff loads of weird M&M’s from the M&M shop in Las Vegas which is 3 stories high and totally full of anything M&M you could think of – the amount of different flavours and colours of M&M’s you can buy in that shop is amazing! I also got him some random American chocolate like an almond Snickers bar, babyRuth and I also managed to find a smore! As we had recently watched an Ina Garten ‘Barefoot Contessa’ program where she did homemade smores, I thought it was quite apt that I found some in the US, so I decided to bring them back and Jeff and I tried them on Saturday afternoon – They were rather morish! Chocolate, biscuit and marshmallow – yummy!

Jeff hadn’t been able to go shopping yet as he only checked out of his travel lodge at midday, so after we had caught up and I had drunk my tea, we went shopping to get bits and bobs for Saturday night and as the weather was utterly gorgeous, we decided to go to a farm shop, get some nice meat and some salad for a BBQ outside.

After getting back, it was still light and neither of us were hungry due to the American chocolate we had consumed, therefore we watched loads of stuff that had been recorded on Jeff’s sky plus box over the week I was away – we had 14 episode’s of ‘The Barefoot Contessa’ to catch up on, which was rather cool.. even cooler that we decided to play the ‘Ina Garten drinking game’, which meant that every time she said the word ‘salt’ (if you haven’t seen her shows, you need to know that she uses salt in EVERYTHING.. and usually quite a lot of the stuff), we took a big swig of wine – two bottles later and we decided we needed a break.. as you can tell, she said the word ‘salt’ quite a lot.

The BBQ outside was gorgeous, as was Jeff’s garden as all the things we had planted over the last few weeks had grown loads – 2 of the 3 roses we had bought in the £1 shop were doing really well (unfortunately we think one of them has died) and the radishes are now massive. The cherry tree is nearly blooming and both the tomatoes and the peppers are growing like crazy.

We lit some candles outside when it got dark, and chatted for hours – it was really lovely. Unfortunately I still seemed to have a bit of jet lag, so I wasn’t tired until after midnight – Jeff was really nice and stayed up with me, even though he was knackered.

Sunday morning and we decided that as it was still a beautiful day, we would go to a farmers market and get some more nice things for lunch – more gorgeous tomato bread, some ‘buffalo burgers’ and some pork and cider sausages – in case you’re wondering, no, we didn’t eat it all… and we were totally stuffed.

We also bought some more pots, another rose and a blackcurrant plant, which I potted as Jeff mowed his lawn – I don’t know if they’ll grow or not, but we are looking forward to seeing the results in the next few weeks :-)

I left Jeff at about 2:00pm as I had to go back home to check on my cat and sort things out for work a I have had a week off – I am so glad to be home and can’t WAIT for the next 2 weeks to go as Jeff and I will be going on holiday together to see his parents and basically spend 4 days together. We have loads of things planned and I wouldn’t have thought any of this would have been possible after we split up in 2009.

Roll on 2011!

- Molly

Friday 1 April 2011

Snatching a quick 90 minutes before the holiday....

Soooo, after thinking I wouldn’t see Jeff for ages, we managed to work out a way where we were both free on Friday night so I popped round to his for a couple of hours – sadly I had to leave by 7:00pm and I didn’t actually see him until 5:30pm due to a massive oil spill on the road I travel home on, so we didn’t see each other for very long.

Good news in Jeff’s garden – everything is growing SO MUCH! The tomatoes in his window sill inside are growing at a stupendous rate – we only planted them 2 weeks ago and look at them! I think we are going to have to put them in grow bags quite soon…. And the radishes have gone from nothing to loads of green shoots which is really cool. I suggested to Jeff that we leave them alone for a while as I doubt they need to be touched for a bit. The David Austin rose that we bought at the garden centre a few weeks ago is also doing really well (which is good, considering it cost nearly £18!) the ironic thing is that the £1 roses we bought have new shoots on them as well, so we’re hoping they will bloom this year – It will be interesting to see the difference, considering the difference in price.

Bad news that Jeff and I really won’t see each other for over a week as I’m off to Las Vegas on Sunday – It’s a friends wedding and I booked it before I got back in contact with Jeff. The weird thing is, Jeff and I split up in October 2009 and I flew to Las Vegas on holiday at the end of October 2009 – so the last time I was in Las Vegas, I was newly single, missing Jeff like crazy and I actually remember checking my phone constantly and thinking ‘Jeff would like that’, whenever I went into gift shops.

Jeff is having his leaving drinks do next Friday and has stated that he will be getting very drunk – I, of course.. will be drinking in Las Vegas and both of us have made a promise that we’ll not get totally hammered and ‘randomly shag others’. Obviously it’s a promise made tongue-in-cheek, however I am a naturally jealous person and have been trying very, very hard not to project my insecurities onto Jeff as I think it really played a part in us splitting up last time – I know Jeff can be jealous as well, however he hides it MUCH better than me. I don’t think jealousy is a very healthy emotion, so I guess it’s up to both of us to try and control it and remind ourselves that we’ve chosen to see each other, so we’ve just got to trust each other, else, what’s the point? Neither of us cheated last time, so I don’t see why we would this time around…
So – The next time I will see Jeff is next Saturday…. A lot will be happening in the week apart, however I am hoping absence makes the heart grow fonder!

- Molly