Friday 1 April 2011

Snatching a quick 90 minutes before the holiday....

Soooo, after thinking I wouldn’t see Jeff for ages, we managed to work out a way where we were both free on Friday night so I popped round to his for a couple of hours – sadly I had to leave by 7:00pm and I didn’t actually see him until 5:30pm due to a massive oil spill on the road I travel home on, so we didn’t see each other for very long.

Good news in Jeff’s garden – everything is growing SO MUCH! The tomatoes in his window sill inside are growing at a stupendous rate – we only planted them 2 weeks ago and look at them! I think we are going to have to put them in grow bags quite soon…. And the radishes have gone from nothing to loads of green shoots which is really cool. I suggested to Jeff that we leave them alone for a while as I doubt they need to be touched for a bit. The David Austin rose that we bought at the garden centre a few weeks ago is also doing really well (which is good, considering it cost nearly £18!) the ironic thing is that the £1 roses we bought have new shoots on them as well, so we’re hoping they will bloom this year – It will be interesting to see the difference, considering the difference in price.

Bad news that Jeff and I really won’t see each other for over a week as I’m off to Las Vegas on Sunday – It’s a friends wedding and I booked it before I got back in contact with Jeff. The weird thing is, Jeff and I split up in October 2009 and I flew to Las Vegas on holiday at the end of October 2009 – so the last time I was in Las Vegas, I was newly single, missing Jeff like crazy and I actually remember checking my phone constantly and thinking ‘Jeff would like that’, whenever I went into gift shops.

Jeff is having his leaving drinks do next Friday and has stated that he will be getting very drunk – I, of course.. will be drinking in Las Vegas and both of us have made a promise that we’ll not get totally hammered and ‘randomly shag others’. Obviously it’s a promise made tongue-in-cheek, however I am a naturally jealous person and have been trying very, very hard not to project my insecurities onto Jeff as I think it really played a part in us splitting up last time – I know Jeff can be jealous as well, however he hides it MUCH better than me. I don’t think jealousy is a very healthy emotion, so I guess it’s up to both of us to try and control it and remind ourselves that we’ve chosen to see each other, so we’ve just got to trust each other, else, what’s the point? Neither of us cheated last time, so I don’t see why we would this time around…
So – The next time I will see Jeff is next Saturday…. A lot will be happening in the week apart, however I am hoping absence makes the heart grow fonder!

- Molly

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