Sunday 10 April 2011

Back from holiday

I have just got back from seeing Jeff for the first time in over a week and we had SUCH a good weekend.

I got back from Las Vegas on Friday, having had a wonderful time. I stayed at the Bellagio hotel (amazing room, amazing staff and amazing hotel) and saw two of my very good friends get married in the little white Chapel. During the time I was out there, we did loads of things – the Titanic exhibition in the Luxor, Shark reef in Mandalay Bay… went up the Eiffel Tower in Paris and saw Las Vegas by night – it was an amazing holiday, however as pathetic as it sounds, I did miss Jeff.

As I think I said before – When Jeff and I split up, I went to Las Vegas 3 weeks afterwards as it had been arranged for over a year. Being thousands of miles away, newly single in Las Vegas wasn’t overly great, especially as every gift shop I went into, I was thinking ‘Jeff would like that’ or, ‘I wish I was doing this activity with Jeff’. I never thought we would get back in contact, therefore when we did in November, it was quite ironic that I had already booked a trip back out to Las Vegas to see more friends get married. The good thing this time was, we didn’t stop being in contact 3 weeks before I flew out!

I took my netbook with me and one of the good things about the Bellagio is, free Wi-Fi! Therefore I was able to email Jeff and send him some photographs to show him all the things I had been up to.

I got back on Friday, however couldn’t see him Friday night as he was having his works leaving ‘do’, and whilst he did invite me, I didn’t think it was a good idea to go as I didn’t know any of his work colleagues, I had major jetlag and to be honest, I didn’t want Jeff to feel he had to look after me all night long – he wanted to get rather drunk and enjoy himself and I knew I would want to go to bed very early and sleep off the jet lag!

So, I saw Jeff on Saturday at 2:00pm and it was so nice to see him again! We had a big cuddle, he made me a cup of tea and we got to the presents! I had got Jeff loads of weird M&M’s from the M&M shop in Las Vegas which is 3 stories high and totally full of anything M&M you could think of – the amount of different flavours and colours of M&M’s you can buy in that shop is amazing! I also got him some random American chocolate like an almond Snickers bar, babyRuth and I also managed to find a smore! As we had recently watched an Ina Garten ‘Barefoot Contessa’ program where she did homemade smores, I thought it was quite apt that I found some in the US, so I decided to bring them back and Jeff and I tried them on Saturday afternoon – They were rather morish! Chocolate, biscuit and marshmallow – yummy!

Jeff hadn’t been able to go shopping yet as he only checked out of his travel lodge at midday, so after we had caught up and I had drunk my tea, we went shopping to get bits and bobs for Saturday night and as the weather was utterly gorgeous, we decided to go to a farm shop, get some nice meat and some salad for a BBQ outside.

After getting back, it was still light and neither of us were hungry due to the American chocolate we had consumed, therefore we watched loads of stuff that had been recorded on Jeff’s sky plus box over the week I was away – we had 14 episode’s of ‘The Barefoot Contessa’ to catch up on, which was rather cool.. even cooler that we decided to play the ‘Ina Garten drinking game’, which meant that every time she said the word ‘salt’ (if you haven’t seen her shows, you need to know that she uses salt in EVERYTHING.. and usually quite a lot of the stuff), we took a big swig of wine – two bottles later and we decided we needed a break.. as you can tell, she said the word ‘salt’ quite a lot.

The BBQ outside was gorgeous, as was Jeff’s garden as all the things we had planted over the last few weeks had grown loads – 2 of the 3 roses we had bought in the £1 shop were doing really well (unfortunately we think one of them has died) and the radishes are now massive. The cherry tree is nearly blooming and both the tomatoes and the peppers are growing like crazy.

We lit some candles outside when it got dark, and chatted for hours – it was really lovely. Unfortunately I still seemed to have a bit of jet lag, so I wasn’t tired until after midnight – Jeff was really nice and stayed up with me, even though he was knackered.

Sunday morning and we decided that as it was still a beautiful day, we would go to a farmers market and get some more nice things for lunch – more gorgeous tomato bread, some ‘buffalo burgers’ and some pork and cider sausages – in case you’re wondering, no, we didn’t eat it all… and we were totally stuffed.

We also bought some more pots, another rose and a blackcurrant plant, which I potted as Jeff mowed his lawn – I don’t know if they’ll grow or not, but we are looking forward to seeing the results in the next few weeks :-)

I left Jeff at about 2:00pm as I had to go back home to check on my cat and sort things out for work a I have had a week off – I am so glad to be home and can’t WAIT for the next 2 weeks to go as Jeff and I will be going on holiday together to see his parents and basically spend 4 days together. We have loads of things planned and I wouldn’t have thought any of this would have been possible after we split up in 2009.

Roll on 2011!

- Molly

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