Friday 1 July 2011

Sad news about the eggs

The healthy eating is back on with a vengeance! That’s certainly true… Jeff and I have been healthy eating for a week now – no crisps, chocolate and no bread, rice or pasta. I weighed myself this morning and it’s certainly working, so I’m hoping another couple of weeks and all my pairs of trousers will fit again :-)

So, what have we been up to this week? Well… It’s been an up and down week, that’s for sure.  I first saw Jeff on the Wednesday and the weather was gorgeous – We had already decided what we were going to eat ‘Almond flaked cod’, which was one of the recipes in one of my BBC Good Food recipe books ‘101 fish and seafood dishes’. We thought we had all the necessary ingredients, however we forgot the fish stock so had to go out and get some.

Cooking took very little time and before long, we had dinner! In all honesty, I don’t think we would make it again as although it was ‘OK’, it wasn’t anything special and Jeff and I thought that the sauce was a little bit overpowering.

After dinner we turned the eggs and candled them – this proved quite emotional as it turns out, 5 out of 10 of them are infertile! I got quite upset at this, especially considering Jeff and I have been turning ‘the Oeuffs’ religiously 3 times a day for the last 12 days! It was quite nerve wracking when wee (Jeff) cracked the first one into a bowl, outside (we did it outside in case the egg was bad and smelt horrible) and we were met with – absolutely nothing! A completely normal egg with absolutely no bloody chick inside! We candled the others and the same thing happened.

So currently we only have 5 eggs in our incubator – We don’t think 3 of them have chicks inside, but we have seen veins and beating hearts in two of them, so we are keeping our fingers crossed for next weekend and hoping that at least 2 of the eggs will hatch. As it’s such a ‘poor show’, Jeff and I are actually going to get another incubator on Sunday night and I’ve already ordered some more eggs so we can have 2 incubators on the go at once! Currently we have black Orpington eggs being incubated, we’re going to add white Orpington eggs to it!

I also saw Jeff on Thursday night this week and whilst I was making home made beef burgers (with mince I had found in his freezer - I made loads of different types, cheese, mixed herbs etc) Jeff surprised me with flowers! It was really sweet of him and completely unexpected. I can't believe we have been 'seeing' each other for over 7 months now... it really does feel very different to last time round.

Unfortunately we’re not seeing each other until Sunday night as I’m seeing my crazy Uncle and Aunt ‘Oooop North’, however as soon as I get to Jeff’s we’re going to head off, pick up the other incubator and start the hatching process all over again :-)

- Molly

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