Thursday 28 July 2011

More chicks to add to our brood...

A very, very quick update but last night, both of our chicks in our second egg hatched! This time we were trying to hatch white Orpingtons and the eggs we had named 'Steve' and 'Nugget' hatched.

Jeff saw a tiny crack in the Steve egg on Friday morning and by 11:00pm that night, both of them had arrived. It was so much better than the last time, when we had a horrible (and very emotional) time of helping our black Orpington chick (BamBam) out of her egg.

Steve is white, yet nugget is yellow. We left them in the incubator overnight and transferred them to the brooder this morning. Jeff set his camera back up (all hail hatch cam) and now we can watch them all day and watch them cuddling each other and pecking the chick crumbs off the floor. It's lovely, but it does hammer home the fact that BamBam is currently in a box on her own and that's not great as chickens are sociable birds and do best in a flock or at least with 1 other chicken. So, I think we're going to wait a couple of days and let them play together. We're going to keep these chicks for 2.5 weeks and then give them to my work colleague and unlike last time, I haven't got so involved so we won't need to do a mad dash to try and find some similar looking chicks and give those to him, instead.

I'm going round Jeff's house tonight and I really hope we can have a relaxing, enjoyable night with no stresses, no huge shopping trips and no late nights... in fact an early night sounds fantastic :-)

- Molly

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