Sunday 6 February 2011

Catching a few hours

Due to both Jeff and I having a lot of friends and family 'stuff' to do, plus Jeff working shifts and myself working a normal 9-5 job, 5 days a week, it can sometimes be hard to fit in seeing each other. It's a lot easier now, considering I'm not working 150 miles away from home, but it's still a bit crap that we can't spend as much time together as we would like.
Thankfully we saw each other on Friday night - I wandered round there after work and we went to a local pub for a drink (I drove for once - very novel!) we had a chat about our days - Jeff was off shift on Friday and I had had one HELL of a week! I was very glad it was over. We then headed back to his house and cooked - as we're both still healthy eating, I had suggested a mixed grill as there's virtually no carbs in it. Jeff bought all the meat earlier on in the day from the Farm shop nearby (methinks he's got the 'Farm shop bug as before he got back in contact with me... he didn't really go to any!) and we managed to make a rather massive meaty meal!

It was rather nice indeed! We then watched more crappy TV - 'US Biggest Loser' and 'My Husband is Gay' before heading upstairs and going to bed. Sadly I had to get up early as I was seeing friends, so had to drive back Saturday morning. I didn't sleep very well as the radiator was still on so got a massive headache! I woke Jeff up at 7:00am and we cuddled, talked and listened to all the birds chirping outside his window - he's got loads of different species living near him - I think I counted about 20 different tweets!

It's Jeff's birthday tomorrow night and I'm popping round after work - I've got him a massive bag of presents and I can't wait to give them to him :-)

- Molly

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