Wednesday 23 February 2011

More healthy cooking

I say ‘healthy’, it wasn’t totally healthy but for puddings / sweet things they certainly weren’t bad!

I popped round to see Jeff after work and we had already agreed on what we were going to do tonight – cook! I had suggested that we try out a couple of new recipes, Jeff agreed and as he wasn’t working until tomorrow night, he went out this morning to get the ingredients necessary – lemon drizzle cake and ‘chocolate pear crisp’ here we go!

We started cooking as soon as I arrived and for once I didn’t want an obligatory cup of tea (I drank way too much Pepsi Max today at work) so that meant we could focus completely on baking and not on my copious tea drinking abilities! First was lemon drizzle cake which was a recipe I had found on the BBC Good Food website – my firm favourite for this kind of thing. Well, the recipe was ‘lemon AND violet’ but we decided not to bother with the poncy violets (Jeff did have a look, couldn’t find them and we thought ‘sod it’ anyway, it’s not as if you can’t eat cake without some silly decoration.

Anyway, even though it looked like the mixture was too little for the baking tray, it turned out to be exactly the right amount! We only had to bake it for about 25 minutes as opposed to the 30-40 the recipe said and hey presto! We had a rather nice smelling cake! Jeff made up the icing and we just chucked it over the cake whilst still in the baking tray. After letting it cool for a little while we tried some – it was absolutely gorgeous! Whilst I would have loved to have eaten the whole thing, we were quite good and after eating a few little squares the rest went into a couple of tubs for Jeff to take to work tomorrow night for his work colleagues – I imagine the cake is only ‘healthy’ if you have a couple of small squares, not if you eat the entire thing!

Next was the chocolate pear crisp and whilst Jeff managed to get most of the ingredients, he couldn’t find the pear liquor – bummer. However, being resourceful as always, I suggested we chuck some Amaretto in one of them instead after all, it’s still alcohol, right?

We decided we would do one WITH Amaretto and one without and whilst I was busy cutting up the lemon cake, Jeff was busy whipping the egg white for the ‘crisp’ part of the recipe. We folded everything together, put the topping on and in it went to the oven! What was the result? Well... not bad at all actually! I have to admit, the one with alcohol did taste a lot better and I know that Jeff thought the same – not as good as the lemon cake in my opinion, but certainly not bad. I think we are planning on making another lemon cake to take to Jeff’s parents when we visit them at Easter.

After the new cooking exploits, we had a nice dinner and settled down to watch a couple of hours of trashy TV which I had recorded on Jeff’s sky plus box before I had to head home – it’s a short week at work for me which is quite nice but sadly I’m not spending the time off work with Jeff, the next time I see him will be Sunday, when we’re having a jaunt to see my Mother and hopefully do some more cooking :-)


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