Wednesday 16 February 2011

Valentines Day challenge

Even when Jeff and I were together before, we never really celebrated Valentine’s day. I have always thought it was too commercialised and rather than forcing your loved one to do something romantic and nice on a certain day of the year, wouldn’t it be nicer to be surprised on a random day of the year? That way you know it’s because your partner wanted to put effort in, rather than being forced to by society?

Anyway – As Jeff and I had just got back in contact and we’re still not ‘a couple’ as such and just seeing how things go, I suggested we have a laugh and do the ‘Valentine’s day challenge’ – Try to find the most tacky, awful Valentine’s day gifts possible for less than £7.49. Why £7.49? as it’s the random figure I suggested to Jeff at the weekend!

Jeff was up for it, as was I – So we set about buying things for each other last week and the results are below.

In the red corner was myself... coming in at a wonderful £7.07

Bottle of wine                 £1.49
Teddy Bear                    £0.99
Chocolates                     £1.00
10 x red roses                £1.00
Key to my heart             £1.00
Heart shaped balloons    £1.00
Valentines card              £0.59

Whereas Jeff spent £7.46 and got the wonderful array of top quality Valentines gifts below!

We both got balloons for each other, however I whereas I thought my wonderful 0.59p card was a real token of how much I loved Jeff, he had to win points for the lovely ‘heart shaped frying pan’ which he bought – a bargain at £1, apparently? We both laughed and had the receipts to prove we hadn’t gone ‘over budget’ – Not bad for less than £15 combined!

It was a nice evening and we also cooked another new dish together – ‘lemon and cumin koftas’ which turned out rather well. We made extra so that Jeff could take some to work the next day. ‘Nice’ gifts, combined with nice food and nice TV made a very nice night indeed.

Tonight we’re off to a classical music concert and I can’t wait – we’re going to get some dinner beforehand and then go to our second classical concert since we got back in contact.


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