Monday 13 June 2011

Carrot cake and rain

Well, another weekend is over and done with and unfortunately both myself and Jeff are back at work for another fun filled week! (Well, I say ‘week’, I’m actually on holiday on Friday as I’m getting my tattoo on Thursday night so having Friday off to recover, can’t wait, not nervous at all... yet!).

As I was at a friends wedding blessing on Saturday, I wasn’t able to see Jeff until Sunday afternoon. However, we had already decided what we were going to do, so after we had said hello and I had fed the birdies (as Jeff hadn’t had time and they were totally out of bird seed) we decided we would make a carrot cake so that I could take it to work the next day for my colleagues.

Once again, we decided to turn to the BBC Good food recipe archive ( and the recipe didn’t disappoint us as it turned out really well indeed! I’ve never had carrot cake before as I assumed (wrongly) that it would taste of carrot. I am probably weird, however I don’t mind cooked carrot, but am not keen on raw carrot so the idea of raw carrot in a cake has never appealed to me. However, as we had a little bit of mixture left over, I made 3 small muffins and Jeff and I shared them, rather than cutting into the big cake and spoiling it. It didn’t take long to do and it smelt rather nice. Even the icing was nice and that took about 30 seconds to apply. Once it was cool, I stuck it into a box and took it into work on the Monday – it was very well received!

Once Jeff and I had finished making the cake, we started watching some TV. Unfortunately most of the Ina Garten episodes that Jeff had recorded on his Sky Plus box – we had already seen, so we didn’t really have any more Barefoot Contessa to watch which was a bit of a pain. We did watch an episode of ‘Monsters inside me’ which contained an interesting ‘brain eating amoeba’, however as we got to the end of that, I got really restless – it was horrendous weather outside, it was 7:00pm and sitting in front of the television for ages seemed really pointless.

Even though I had bought food for Jeff and I, I suggested we go out to eat as 1) it would give us something to do and 2) I just couldn’t be bothered to cook. I did feel quite guilty as this is hardly ‘healthy eating’ which as I have started before, Jeff and I are keen to continue – however I think we’re going to eat the food I brought yesterday, on Wednesday so at least it won’t go to waste. I suggested we went to this amazing Nepalese restaurant called ‘Ghurkha Square’ which is in fleet ( We have been before – about 2.5 years ago and I remember it being really, really nice. Jeff drove us there and it didn’t take very long at all, which was good.

The food and the service were absolutely brilliant – we loved it. We had a really nice starter, Jeff had a beer and I had a really massive glass of wine which got me rather tipsy. Even though there weren’t many people in the restaurant (it was a rainy, Sunday night I guess) the staff didn’t ‘hang around’ and make you feel self conscious and the service was just brilliant. Jeff said he hadn’t been there since we went last time and I said the same – it felt a bit weird remembering where we last sat, considering we hadn’t been there for so long, but it was nice in a way. We did enter the ‘How would you propose’ territory, which was slightly odd – however Jeff stated (correctly) that if we ever did get engaged, I would want to be the one doing the asking and I agreed – I’ve always thought it seems rather, erm.. ‘pathetic’ for the woman to wait, hint, wait some more, get annoyed as the bloke hasn’t taken the hint, start leaving wedding magazines round the house, hint some more, issue ultimatum etc – if you want to get married, why not just ask the bloke?

We got back just after 9:00pm, very full and very content. It was a very nice Sunday evening. We’re off to the BBC Good Food Show on Saturday and I’m rather excited!

- Molly

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