Friday 17 June 2011

Jeff and I are going to be parents....

I’ve been a bit remiss in updating our Blog – Jeff and I did actually spend Wednesday night together, however this only stretched to a couple of hours as I had a very busy day on Thursday and had to get back home to sort things out.

Surprisingly, after I got to Jeff’s I couldn’t really do much cleaning as Jeff had got wise to what I was doing and already did the washing – curses! I was foiled! So, after feeding the birds (they really are little, greedy things) I watched ‘Bums, boobs and botox’ on Jeff’s Sky Plus box and waited until he got back home. Poor Jeff is having to put up with me still being stressy at the moment and after keeping a blog – I realise that I’m not the easiest person to be with! This time, I was stressed over the fact that our incubator hadn’t turned up yet.

Jeff and I are going to hatch chickens and I have started another blog about it:

We’ve already got both sets of eggs and I had purchased the incubator from Ebay last week. The delivery time said 4-5 days and today was the 5th day. After contacting the seller on Ebay, they replied very quickly and said they had posted it first class on Monday so it should have certainly been here today – I have a feeling it’s got lost in the post….

Anyway, Jeff was trying to tell me that it was only Wednesday and that it would turn up soon enough. I, on the other hand, was worried that if it didn’t turn up by Friday (i.e. today) that we wouldn’t be able to start hatching our eggs on Sunday and they’d be useless. Once again, it’s obvious that Jeff is the laid back one in our relationship and I’m the worrier!

After Jeff had tried to calm me down, we went out to B&Q to try and find a thermometer – Why? Because apparently our eggs should be kept at about 12 degrees and if we kept them in Jeff’s main house, they would be too warm and if we kept them outside, they’d be too cold. So, we decided to keep them in Jeff’s garage and I wanted to know what the temperature was. Thankfully, we managed to find a thermometer very quickly and after we’d bought it, we picked up Waggamama’s takeaway (I know, I know – not the most healthy of things in the world, but at least it wasn’t curry!) and went back to Jeff’s house to eat dinner and chat.

Once dinner was finished (and very nice it was, too!) we put our future children in Jeff’s garage, tilted 45 degrees on some blocks of wood. In the last couple of days, Jeff has been really good and has been changing the tilt twice a day – I guess that’s the kind of thing you look for in a partner you may want to have children with one day… Can they cope with kids on their own and will they be a supportive partner? Well, looks like Jeff is able to cope with the eggs on his own!

Tomorrow we’re off to the BBC Good Food show..

- Molly

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