Tuesday 14 June 2011

Our new pet!

Firstly - Jeff and I have started a new blog

Yes, we're hatching chickens! (well, trying to) and we're hoping to start this Sunday - I was hoping my incubator would have arrived today, but sadly there was no missed delivery notice by the Postman when I got home. Bummer! As the eggs should arrive tomorrow, I'm really hoping that the incubator also arrives tomorrow....

However, look what Jeff found tonight when he went into his shed to feed the birds! a tiny little mouse! Jeff had tried to plug up all the holes in his shed as he's had holes in the bird seed bag before, so assumed something had been trying to get to the seed - looks like he found the culprit! I haven't seen Jeff today, so haven't seen the mouse firsthand, but it does look rather cute :-)

We're seeing each other tomorrow night - sadly I'm not staying the night as I have to take my cat to the cattery on Thursday morning as we're off to the BBC Good Food show at the weekend and I want to make sure he's looked after properly.... still, I'm sure Jeff and I will spend a nice few hours together :-)

- Molly

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