Tuesday 22 March 2011

Day at the Spa and a jaunt to Windsor

I am writing this feeling exceptionally full and very, very content! Even though it’s a Wednesday, I can update this blog with something other than food or cookery as Jeff and I took a day off work and went to the Spa!

Jeff had never been to a Spa before and had to buy swimming trunks especially. Firstly, because he doesn’t really swim so didn’t have any and secondly, even if he did have some, they’d probably be too big for him considering the amount of weight he has lost in the last year. I’ve been a member of a local spa for the past 3 years and get to go 6 times a year – every time I go, I am allowed to bring up to 2 guests, so this time I invited Jeff and he was happy to come along.

We met each other in the car park at 08:00am, checked in, and after changing, I suggested we go straight to the hydrotherapy pool which is basically a medium sized, round swimming pool with loads of jets of water under the surface – think ‘Massive Jacuzzi’ and you’d not be far off. After 20 minutes I suggested we get some breakfast so we went to the Garden café and ordered some tea (just for me – Jeff doesn’t drink that much tea!) and toast. I then suggested we spend some time in the aromatherapy steam room, which I absolutely adore. Throughout the day it became clear that whilst I am much happier in the steam room, Jeff is more happy in the sauna – so I guess we’re not compatible in all areas ;-)

We also spent time in the Jacuzzi, lounged beside a lot of different pools and chilled out on the heated ceramic loungers. I don’t have any photographs as obviously I was wearing a swimming costume and a towelling robe, therefore taking my camera into the spa, would have probably broken the thing! Jeff and I left at 3:30pm, having spent 7.5 hours in there – Jeff annoyingly paid for everything (it was a nice gesture, but I felt a bit ‘money grabbing’ so wanted to pay him back straight away) and wasn’t bothered by the fact it took me a while to get ready, due to the length of my hair and the fact I had to brush and dry it.

I had already suggested to Jeff that after the Spa, we drive to Windsor – somewhere neither of us had been much before. Jeff thought that was a good idea, so we drove to his workplace, which is nearby, left his car there and I drove to Windsor. We got there in good time and headed straight for our favourite coffee haunt – Starbucks! I seem to have got Jeff hooked on the Starbucks Hazelnut Hot Chocolate as that’s what he had, along with a couple of their new ‘mini’ range. I suggested he try the white chocolate and raspberry cake and the salted chocolate and pecan square. Jeff, being as easy going as he is, was happy to try whatever, so let me order them. They were quite nice – I even took a photograph of what you get, when you cut inside the white chocolate cake and put it this way, we didn’t leave any!

After we had got some refreshments, we went on a bit of a walk and found the main Windsor high street. Annoyingly all the shops had started to shut, so we didn’t really have very long to browse. I wanted Jeff’s help to try and find a dress for the summer, but sadly our search was unsuccessful, mainly because I have quite a large chest and most dresses don’t seem to cater for women with large boobs – most seem to be for women who have a D cup maximum and women with a larger chest size seem to look stupid in most dresses – especially the ones who have that ‘boob shaped’ V pattern above the waist.

Having not been able to find any suitable dresses, I suggested to Jeff that we wander to the restaurant ‘The River House’ and have a couple of drinks before dinner. It’s a gorgeous restaurant by the river and having been there a couple of times before and really enjoyed the food, I had suggested that we eat there as at least we were pretty sure we’d enjoy the experience.

Whilst I hadn’t been there for a good few months, I was not disappointed at all – the service was absolutely brilliant, the food was to die for and the whole atmosphere was really romantic and nice. We ordered some bread to share for a starter and it came out, infused with rosemary and had a massive garlic bulb, which had been roasted – You could make your own garlic bread by squishing out the cloves onto the bread and it was utterly lush. Both Jeff and I want to try and recreate this in a few days, to see if we can do such a good job!

The main was also brilliant, Jeff went for the lamb, whereas I went for the vegetarian option – pasta with spinach, gorgonzola and pine nuts. I’m not usually a vegetarian fan, but can honestly say I am very glad I chose it as it was brilliant – certainly not small portions and very, very tasty.

Although both Jeff and I were rather full after the main, we both ordered a pudding, simply because the food was so excellent. Jeff went for a ‘parfait’ and I went for a sticky toffee pudding. Again, both were brilliant and we really, really enjoyed it – probably more so because unlike the last time we were together (and ate out at LEAST once a week) we don’t eat out as much and tend to do more home cooking as it’s more conducive to being healthy and losing weight.

Suffice to say, Jeff and I certainly haven’t lost any weight today, in fact, I would be surprised if we hadn’t put on at least 1-2 lbs, the amount of food we ate today. That being said.. now we go back to being ‘sensible’ and healthy again and, well… fuck it – you can’t be good all the time, you have to enjoy yourself every so often and we very rarely go out to eat nowadays….and we really had a lovely evening.
We’re seeing each other on Friday night, which will be a nice, chilled evening and then it’s the surprise weekend!

- Molly

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