Saturday 12 March 2011

Frustrating Friday night

Since Jeff and I got back in contact, I think Friday night was the first night that we felt a bit deflated and didn’t know what to do with ourselves. Usually we have a plan (and when I say ‘we’ I mean ‘me’ and Jeff tends to just go along with it) of what we’re going to do, however on Friday I had a Doctors appointment so left work early and managed to get to Jeff’s by 5:00pm which was great, but after 30 minutes or so, we didn’t really have any ideas as to what we could get up to for the next few hours – unfortunately the reason I went to the Doctors meant we couldn’t get up to anything ‘fun’ and as it had started getting dark, the options open to us were less.

We watched some random TV, however there’s only so many diet programs and shock documentaries you can watch without getting bored so after watching 15 minutes of ‘Sex: How to do everything’ and getting very pissed off with the inequality of the program (full frontal nudity on the woman… why not the same on the guy? How is that fair?) I suggested to Jeff that we stop watching TV and do something else.

Jeff showed me how to play ‘Battlefield 2’ for a while, which was quite good fun, however I got a bit annoyed that I kept dying, plus it seemed to take quite  along time to respawn so I decided it was time to quit. After that, we decided we would order Waggamamas takeaway, however order it online – something neither of us had done before. Jeff was sceptical that it wouldn’t work, however decided to give it a try (which reminds me, it’s my turn to pay for dinner next!).

I then suggested we sort out Jeff’s cupboards – Yeah, I know, who said romance was dead? Thing is, as Jeff and I are doing loads of cooking recently, it would be good to know what he already had and what we needed to buy as he currently has, like, 4 bags of plain flour and 5 bottles of vanilla essence as they’re all hidden around the place on different shelves. I enjoy tidying / sorting things out, so was happy to help Jeff – one thing that I didn’t count on was feeling a bit ‘weird’ when I took down things that I knew his ex used, or things that I knew Jeff had used to cook with her – obviously that’s noone’s ‘fault’ and I didn’t tell Jeff at the time as he’d probably say I was ‘worrying about nothing’, but I guess it was just another reminder that after we split up, he didn’t stay single for very long at all – Still, one of my own insecurities I need to deal with.

After sorting everything out, throwing away out of date things and sticking two bags of rubbish in the bin, Jeff suggested we make some more cupcakes. So we did! However, we made lots of different types, so along with the normal raisin ones, we made some cranberry and hazelnut cakes, some almond ones with flaked almonds on top, some ginger ones with ground and stem ginger and… a gay cupcake. Yes, that’s right – we made a gay cupcake. ‘How do you make one of those?’ I hear you ask… Well, one of Jeff’s friends has a nickname of ‘Gayboy’ (even though he’s apparently heterosexual) therefore Jeff and his friends take the mick out of him quite regularly. So, we decorated a cupcake in pretty pink and purple glittery food colour and chocolate stars. Jeff said he’d see the funny side to it as it certainly wasn’t meant to be offensive.

We then popped out, got food and stuffed ourselves stupid with the Waggamama’s chilli squid, amai udon and ginger chicken udon (oh yes, and some duck gyoza which Jeff rather likes).

It was then time to head home, so I said goodbye and drove off – Sadly I won’t be seeing Jeff again until Wednesday, when hopefully neither of us will be restless and we’ll have something exciting to report!


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