Tuesday 8 March 2011

Just a quick one

One of the first blogs without any photos!

Unfortunately this week I am really busy revising for my ‘ITIL’ exam (Which is this week – argh! Scary!) so Jeff and I can’t really see each other a lot. That being said, last night worked out very well as Jeff was working on a day shift so I went round to his house after work, cooked some easy spaghetti bolognaise and plonked myself at his table for a couple of hours, did some more revision and waited for him to get in. If anyone knows about ‘ITIL’ they’ll know how boring it is and also, how hard it is to find decent past exam papers on the internet. They’re either sites you have to pay money for, or they’re sites which assume you’re stupid and urge you to download a .pdf.vba file – yeah, right...

Jeff came home at 7:45pm and we ate, chatted for a bit and he was kind enough to rub my shoulders before I had to leave and go home. I think we’ll both be glad when the week is over, although Jeff has a LAN party at the weekend which I know he is looking forward to going to.

If anyone is interested in the tulips – they’re doing really well, which is more than can be said for the sweet peas, we can’t see any sprouting at all! However, the tulips are at least 1 inch high and growing daily so fingers crossed we can put them outside soon and they won’t get bitten by frost.

It’s such a lovely day this morning and I can’t wait for us to spend loads of time together over Easter and surprise Jeff with all the things I have planned in a couple of weeks time!

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