Thursday 5 May 2011

Mid-week catch up with pie!

As I’ve said in previous blogs, I always knew that this would be a very stressful week for me as my company are moving offices and I’m the one who is mostly responsible for it. Whilst Jeff has been incredibly supportive as usual, he has his own things to deal with – after all, he’s only been working for his new company for just over a week and considering I was a very selfish / stressy person towards the end of our relationship, the last thing I want is to ‘emotionally drain’ him again, like a vampire.

So, I went round to Jeff’s house last night (Wednesday) and managed to get there by 5:30pm. I thought that Jeff would be back pretty soon after me, however he didn’t actually get back until about 7:00pm! Not that that’s an issue as I managed to sort various things out in Jeff’s house – namely, feeding the birds, watering all our plants in the garden, hovering his stairs and landing, unloading the dishwasher and also setting to work hovering his lounge as I’m not entirely sure when the last time he did it was – the good thing about Jeff not being home yet, is that he doesn’t try and take the hoover away from me – whenever I try and clean his house, he always says ‘Don’t turn into my Mother’, which I can appreciate, however cleaning is quite cathartic for me and I also like the idea of Jeff living in a clean house, is that such a bad thing?

Before Jeff got back, I also managed to make our dinner – a healthy version of a chicken and ham pie. I got the recipe out of my BBC Good Food magazine and Jeff was kind enough to buy all the ingredients the day before. It wasn’t very hard to make at all, and incorporated filo pasty instead of short crust – hence why it was low fat. Once it was popped in the oven, I went into Jeff’s garden to sit in the sun, before seeing him walk through the door and get a cuddle from him. It’s good to report that his job seems to be going very well and he doesn’t seem to be missing his old company, which, according to him – had a lot of wankers in it and no one really cared.

We sat out in the garden for a little while and Jeff showed me his sunburn – he got it on Monday when he was with a friend. It didn’t look too bad, however Jeff had told me that it had been ‘oozing’ on Tuesday and that he had to put a lot of cream and moisturising lotion on it, ouch! After having a bit of a chat, we went into the kitchen, where I suggested we serve the pie with peas and gravy to make it more interesting. It didn’t take long to do, and before long we had a very tasty chicken and ham pie with peas and gravy – the good thing being, there was enough left over for Jeff to have some the following day.

The rest of the evening went very quickly and we just watched some TV and Jeff kindly rubbed my shoulders which had been hurting due to my going to the gym and moving a lot of heavy office furniture. We watched ‘Monsters inside of me’, which was rather gruesome but also quite fascinating. It was about various parasites living inside people and the side affects they had, along with how the medical staff got rid of it.
Unfortunately 9:00pm came round way too quickly and I left Jeff standing at the door, so that I could get home and sleep – We will be seeing each other on Saturday (unfortunately I am working that day)  for a little while and as I’m staying over I am hoping we can cook, cuddle and just spend more time together.

One nice thing to look forward to is the next bank holiday weekend – I’ve got some VERY cool things planned – however they will have to remain a secret until after we’ve done them, as I know Jeff will be reading the blog and still thinks I can’t keep secrets……

- Molly

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