Sunday 8 May 2011

Soon the stress will be over

As I get older, it seems to be the case that not everything can ever go right in your life at the same time – last year, I had a brilliant job I was really enjoying, yet Jeff and I had split up and whilst I was ‘getting on’ with my life – going out and enjoying myself with friends as much as I could… it still felt as if something was missing. Jeff said the same thing – even though he lived with his ex-partner last year, he didn’t really enjoy his job and his relationship wasn’t overly happy.

Currently – we both have each other (something we didn’t think would be possible after we broke up in October 2009) however my job is currently exceptionally stressful, which means that I don’t have much energy when I see Jeff and it’s quite upsetting. I know there are studies that say that if you’re stressed, continually thinking about other things and unable to switch off, your libido can suffer, however: just because studies say this, it doesn’t make you feel less guilty when it happens to you. Poor Jeff has been so supportive these last few weeks – not putting any pressure on me AT ALL to have sex or do anything, however I have to admit to feeling quite guilty about not being intimate with him at the moment, especially considering he has been through ‘periods of drought’ when we were dating back in 2009 – I shudder to think how long it was, back then.

However – as per the title of this blog, the stress will hopefully soon be over and I CAN’T WAIT! My job should stop being so stressful and Jeff and I can get on with enjoying ourselves and spending loads of time together. Due to my very long working hours at the moment, Jeff and I only managed to spend Saturday night together and whilst it was very nice to see him – I was so shattered that all we really managed to do is cook (a lovely steak, broccoli with parmesan and pine nuts and sweet potato wedges with garlic) and watch some TV. We did start watching ‘Hookers saved by Jesus’ which is some random program on DMAX about prostitutes in Las Vegas who are trying to come off ‘the game’ by finding God.. however it wasn’t actually that interesting so we decided to go back to watching ‘Supersize vs Superskinny’ instead, which was much more entertaining – however that program would always be entertaining considering the colours and patterns of Dr Christian Jessen’s shirts!

It was lovely cuddling on the sofa – however by 10:00pm I had to call it a night. Jeff was fine with this and we went upstairs, cuddled and he gave me a wonderful massage before we said goodnight. I had to work today and am working all of next week, so I won’t be seeing Jeff until Wednesday – I told him today that I’m cooking him a surprise meal on Wednesday and whilst I didn’t tell him it was because I really appreciate his support over the past few weeks, that’s the real reason… I won’t say what it is, but I shall certainly report back and take some photographs – I just hope it turns out well!

No photographs this time, I’m afraid – However I shall take some photographs of Jeff’s garden soon as everything has grown so much! Our sunflowers are a good few inches tall, our tomato plants are going to need tying to bamboo canes soon and our hanging basket is looking very impressive indeed – even the radishes we nearly killed when we re-potted them, have come back!

Well, here’s to another week!

- Molly

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