Sunday 22 May 2011

Sunny Sunday with added lemon

In any relationship, there has to be a lot of compromise – currently poor Jeff is working VERY hard at work and therefore we’re not spending loads of time together. Obviously I was working very hard a couple of weeks ago and was very stressed around that time… so whilst we’re not spending a lot of time together, I’m trying to be supportive and making sure that he’s only worrying about work and not about us.

We saw each other for a few hours today – Jeff worked all of yesterday (Saturday) and Sunday morning, before driving home to see me and is currently back at work and will be working all of next week as well. I met Jeff at his home, having let myself in and after making myself a cup of tea and filling up the bird feeders, I hung up some of his washing before he came through the door. After a couple of disapproving comments from Jeff (He isn’t overly keen on me doing his housework – but not only do I find it cathartic, it means he doesn’t have to worry about it when he’s working hard) he helped me hang stuff up, before we had a chat and then got to work on the most important thing of the day – making lemon drizzle cake.

Yet another recipe we got from the BBC Good Food website and as it was the most popular cake ( , we had high hopes. I had already got all the ingredients from the Supermarket yesterday so we didn’t need to go shopping and considering there weren’t very many ingredients to get, it was a very short list anyway.

Jeff and I had decided we were going to make two cakes – one for his work colleagues and one for mine. After the success of the raspberry bakewell cake, I wanted to make something else to see if my work colleagues liked it as much as the other one. Jeff set to work with the lemons, whilst I set to work creaming the butter and sugar together. It didn’t take too long to do – even though we decided to zest twice as many lemons as the recipe said (and it was a good job we did, as it didn’t taste that lemony as it was!) We stuck the first cake in a loaf tin and popped it in the oven whilst we did the second – unfortunately, it was a few minutes before we realised that we had the oven turned on slightly too high… therefore the loaf tin cake turned out slightly more brown than the other one.

As we only had one loaf tin, Jeff suggested we make the next cake in a round dish – no problemo and this is what we did. We had a little mixture left over, so decided to use that in a couple of small cake cases, so we could see what it actually tasted like without cutting into the two big cakes. Whilst they were cooking, we watched an episode of ‘Monsters inside me’ (one of our favourite programmes on TV at the moment) however oddly enough, we didn’t watch any Ina Garten even though we currently have 36 episodes recorded! I think we’re going to have to start watching them at some point soon, else it will get out of control (if it hasn’t already….).

With both cakes done, we made the ‘drizzle’, which was really easy as it was just lemon juice and sugar and drizzled it over both cakes. I think Jeff’s round cake looked better than mine – however I think both will taste nice, although we’re going to have wait until tomorrow for our work colleagues to critique our baking efforts :-)

After our cakes were made (and mine wrapped up in solver foil to put in my car) we actually went to a local pub for a late lunch. I suggested the same pub that we met up in, nearly 6 months ago… the first time we had seen each other in over a year. After we got there, the same table that we sat at, 6 months ago, was actually free, so we sat there, chatted and ordered some food.

It was very nice chatting to Jeff in a pub and the only horrible thing was knowing that in an hour or so, we would have to go. I am thinking that Jeff and I are going to have to do a few pub trips in the summer, however trips where we don’t have to keep clock watching would be good…

All too soon, it was time for Jeff to go back to work, so we said goodbye, had a cuddle in his car (as we both drove to the pub in our respective cars) and we headed off, me, to my house and Jeff to work. We’re seeing each other for a meal on Tuesday night and I’m really looking forward to it. However – not as much as next weekend when we’re going wine tasting AND to a very posh steak restaurant, which is going to be really, really fun and hopefully, very tasty as well :-)

- Molly

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