Thursday 19 May 2011

Raspberry bakewell cake fun!

Cake making was the order of the day, yesterday! I finished work and drove over to Jeff’s house with all the necessary ingredients to make a rather nice sounding ‘raspberry bakewell cake’. Jeff was in London for some of the day and said he wouldn’t be back until about 7:00pm so this left me a good 1.5 hours to do some tidying and start on the cake (

In the past few months, Jeff and I have been trying to eat healthily and therefore most of the time we try and cook healthily. However, at the moment, I don’t think we’re really being challenged in the kitchen as all the things we have done have been quite easy (very tasty – but quite easy!). Hence why I suggested to Jeff a little while ago that we do some cakes and puddings – the downside of this is, of course, that they’re not that healthy – however we’ve decided that we’re going to take them into our respective workplaces and give them to our colleagues and NOT eat them all ourselves!

So, after I had made the cake mix, I greased up the tin and popped in half off the mixture – I then put the fresh raspberries onto the top and covered with more of the mixture. I was actually surprised at how thick the mixture was and was actually quite worried that there wasn’t enough! Thankfully there was literally JUST enough to cover the raspberries and after that, I scattered it with flaked almonds and started baking it in the oven.

After that, I was a bit bored and rather than watch some TV, I thought I’d also make some blueberry muffins, using the same recipe that Jeff and I used last week when we made the blueberry cake whilst watching Eurovision. This was all going splendidly (and I was actually following the recipe correctly this time round!) until I realised that I needed milk and there wasn’t any in the fridge. I phoned up Jeff who thankfully picked up his phone and asked him if he could stop off at the ‘Local shop for local people’ to get a pint. He said ‘no problem’ and before long, he was home from work, brandishing 2 pints of semi skimmed – success!

I continued with the muffins whilst Jeff and I chatted about stuff. Jeff is more technical than me and currently I’m trying to learn a lot about networking – Unfortunately I’ve been ‘pushed’ somewhat down the IT Project Management route and am rather worried about getting pigeon holed – especially if you are managing technical people. I mean, how can you manage people if you don’t know if what they are saying is total BS or not? So, Jeff was explaining various aspects of networking to me – some of which I remembered after doing my Computer Science degree a few years ago, but some of it was totally new – Jeff is quite good at explaining stuff and I certainly appreciated it, however the more he talked, a mass feeling of dread came over me – God, things have really moved on in a few years as most of this wasn’t covered at Uni!

After the cake and muffins were ready, we tried a small slice of cake and a muffin. The cake was absolutely brilliant and after we’d tried it – I put silver foil over the rest, ready to take to work the next day and to help us not be tempted to eat any more. We then started dinner, which was salad and kebabs – the kebabs were the ones we had bought from Windsor farm shop at the weekend and they were really, really nice. I’m really glad we grilled them as a LOT of fat dripped off them – even when we had them on our plate they were quite greasy (this was solved by blotting them with some paper).

It was actually quite late by the time all the cakes and muffins had been baked and we’d eaten dinner – so late that we actually only managed to watch one episode of Ina Garten’s ‘Back to basics’, however it was a good episode and I think we’re certainly going to try a couple of the things she cooked on there! A quick shower, some cuddles and we went to bed – Jeff was up early this morning as he had to go to the Post office to collect his P45 form that his old job had JUST sent him (this didn’t overly surprise him as his old company are CRAP at everything).

We’re next seeing each other on Sunday... only for a few hours, however I am sure we will find something fun to do!

- Molly

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